Find out how accessible your surveys are before sending them out, including two that are widely recommended at the UW: Microsoft Forms, which supports UW Groups, and UW Google Forms, which does not.
UW-IT News
Engage your students with Poll Everywhere
Present polls, knowledge checks, and other activities to engage and assess students using Poll Everywhere, a web and SMS text-messaging student response system.
Beware of tech support scams
They’re among the most insidious of scams — when someone claims to be from tech support and offers to help. Learn how to keep these bad actors at bay.
New IT Connect makes your searches a breeze!
Sometimes less is definitely more. That’s what scores of UW students, faculty and staff told website experts who redesigned IT Connect, the UW’s main web portal to technology at the University, over the past year.
Rev up your classes with Jupyter Notebook
UW-IT’s JupyterHub services allow faculty to bring the full power of cloud computing into the classroom.
UW-IT’s help desk moves to be closer to more customers
With 24×7 tech support via phone and email, UW-IT’s Service Center will offer in-person help by appointment starting Aug. 25 at its new location— the 4545 Building, kitty-corner to the Burke Museum.
Client applications on devices to comply with UW Office 365 authentication requirements
UPDATED: Some students, faculty and staff may not be able to access UW Office 365. And it may be because the client application is being blocked from accessing UW Office 365 due to its insecure authentication. To fix access, please review the list of known insecure client applications and likely actions you need to take.
New to teaching classes at the UW? Use these tech tools and resources
Learn how to set up courses in Canvas, use Panopto to record lectures, use Poll Everywhere to engage students in class, submit grades with GradePage, and more. This quick guide can help you navigate the variety of resources available to you at the UW.
Learn how to mitigate common cybersecurity threats on Aug. 17
Join the Office of the CISO in a training session from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help you make your apps and websites more secure.
Enhanced user experience in redesigned BI Portal
The new BI Portal offers a modern interface and backend consolidation for an enhanced customer experience. Learn more at IT Connect.