Automatically fill in passwords and safely share passwords with others by using LastPass, a secure browser-based password management tool. Available to UW employees with a valid budget.
Month: February 2023
Building a wall against cybercriminals
Major accomplishments in 2022 are helping the UW build a more secure online environment and reduce the risk from cybercriminals.
Set your pronouns in Identity.UW
You can now display your pronouns in UW systems such as MyUW, Zoom and soon Canvas and MyUW class lists, when you click “Set pronouns” in Identity.UW. Learn more about what happens when you choose to display your pronouns in Identity.UW.
UW-IT tackles data traffic bottlenecks
Learn why UW-IT invested more than $2 million in the last year to ensure your data and your work online moves smoothly from your desktop to where it needs to go.
Keep Duo Mobile updated on your device for effective 2FA security
Duo, the UW’s two-factor authentication app, is ending support for older operating systems. Learn what you need to do to continue using Duo authentication.
UW Research gets a boost from interdepartmental alliances
Learn how centrally managed computing services are easing the burden for researchers, and how key alliances across the University are attracting top data researchers and funding.
Knowledge Navigator to get major refresh; expect short data freeze this month
The UW’s source for finding and understanding business terms across critical subject areas is being redesigned and upgraded. Expect interface modernization and increased security.