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Operational Committee

Last updated: January 27, 2025
This page is about the legacy data governance model at the University of Washington and is retained for historical purposes. Visit the Data Governance Board page for information about the UW’s current data governance model.

Data Governance Operational Committee

As part of an update to the UW’s approach to data governance, the Data Governance Operational Committee was charged in 2019 with creating and fostering a best-in-class environment for data management, architecture, and institutional analysis.

The committee includes the six leaders who serve as Data Domain Council Chairs in the UW’s data stewardship model and key stakeholders in data management from across the UW’s three campuses, Continuum College and UW Medicine.

The committee’s charge asks them to work on behalf of the UW as a whole.

The Operational Committee is the first stop for data governance issues. It works closely with the Data Governance Steering Committee and data domain councils. The Operational Committee elevates issues to the Steering Committee, prepares recommendations or analyses to enable that group’s decision-making, and acts on requests from the Steering Committee.

The Operational Committee serves as the UW’s steward for core data and works closely with data domain councils, whose chairs sit on this committee, to triage intake requests and tackle cross-domain issues that affect all domains.

Current Members

  • Ann Nagel, Associate Vice Provost and Institutional Privacy Official, Academic & Student Affairs, chair
  • Ann Anderson, Associate Vice President for Enterprise Services, UW Finance
  • Dori Bloom, Senior Computer Specialist, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Richard Fenger, Assistant Director, Decision Support Services, ORIS, Office of Research
  • Alice Few, Data Analyst, Institutional Research, UW Tacoma
  • Helen Garrett, University Registrar, Enrollment Management
  • Rachel Gatlin, Executive Director for HR Benefits, Analytics & Information Systems, Human Resources
  • Kristine Kenney, Director of Campus Architecture and Planning, and University Landscape Architect, UW Facilities
  • Shelley Kostrinsky, Assistant Vice Provost, Office of Academic Personnel
  • Kay Lewis, Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment and Executive Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Enrollment Management
  • Rob McDade, Director of Information Management, UW Information Technology
  • Yanko Fernando Michea, Director, Information and Learning Technologies, College of Education
  • Cindie Murphy, Assistant Director, Data Services, UW Medicine
  • Bart Pietrzak, Director of Enterprise Analytics and Reporting, UW Information Technology
  • Adrian Sinkler, Director, Office of Institutional Research, University of Washington Bothell
  • Daniel Summy, Manager Data Architecture, Office of Planning & Budgeting
  • Joey Viera-Gotay, Workday Security Manager, Integrated Service Center
  • Michael Visaya, Assistant Vice President for Information Management, University Advancement

Ex-officio members

Marisa Nickle, Sr. Director, Strategy & Academic Initiatives, Office of the Provost/Academic & Student Affairs


Visit the Strategy & Initiatives page for a list of current and past topics the committee has addressed.

Meeting Topics and Outcomes

The Data Governance Operational Committee meets monthly with occasional exceptions. Meeting topics and outcomes are listed below.

This page will be updated every other month. Last update September 2023.

Information and Technology Governance 2.0

  • Information and Technology Governance 2.0 is currently in the chartering the executive committee and enterprise IT committee.
  • The purpose of this initiative is to enable transformation and innovation at UW through strategic investment in information and technology.


  • UW-IT implemented a modified approach to pronouns after receiving feedback from the UW community.
  • The Data Governance Operational Committee will add “pronouns” to the list of terms to be defined by the core data term vetting group.

Core data definitions

  • The Data Governance Operational Committee agreed to review the new terms from the Core Data Term Vetting group offline and decide on them in the October meeting.

General Updates

  • Introduced new Finance Data Domain Chair, Jessica Bertram.
  • Reviewed 8 new core and cross data term definitions. Approved the definitions for gift, location, award, ledger account, and employee. Asked for revisions for the campus and gift hierarchy definitions.

General Updates:

  • Discussed the status of the IOS structure and its availability on the Core Data Hierarchy Management (CDHM).
  • Discussed the status of the data domain hierarchy development and mapping to the IOS.
  • Reviewed the DG roadmap priorities and decided to pause work on this until more resources were available or until current DG projects have been completed.

IOS Update

  • Identified progress and potential issues with mapping to the new IOS structure.
  • Asked for volunteers to analyze the IOS mapping once the DG Chairs have completed their first pass.

DG Survey Results

  • Discussed top priorities for DG operational committee to tackle once the in-progress initiatives have been completed.

Core Data Terms Vetting group

  • Core Vetting Group asked for the DG Chairs to vote on their next set of terms to define.

General Updates

  • Five new term definitions from the Core Data Term Vetting Group were approved by the Data Governance Operational Committee – Company, company Hierarchy, Cost Center Hierarchy, Hierarchy Level, and Position.
  • Discussed current state of the IOS and hierarchy work progress and questioned how to transition groups to use the new IOS.
  • Reviewed the DG Survey results and discussed ways to improve Data Governance at UW.

Data Governance Survey:
The data governance survey will be sent out soon to all those that have served on data governance task forces, data domain councils, and the data governance operations committee. The purpose of the survey is to reflect on what work has added the most value, to self-evaluate based on the 2019 data governance hallmarks of success, and to decide on the top two priorities for the next year.

Core Data Definitions:

  1. Reviewed and edited definitions for “Core Data” and “Cross-domain Data.”
  2. Approved definitions for “Department” and “Cost Center,” but waiting on further edits and review for Grant.

General Updates:

  • Data Governance Operational Committee members examined various internal and external definitions for core data and created a preliminary UW working definition for core data.
  • The preliminary working definition will next go out to core data subject matter experts for review and comment and go to the Data Governance Core and Cross Data Domain Term Vetting Group to pilot as part of their workflow.

General Updates:

  • Data Domain Council Chairs provided status updates on the work of their domain councils.
  • Core Data Vetting group has identified 10 terms to prioritize and will begin defining work at their next meeting.
  • Provided status update for open Data Governance technical Project Management position.
    Reviewed the draft Core Data Management User Guide / Framework, provided edits, and endorsed piloting after edits were made.

Ledger Access and Roles Updates

  • Reviewed a briefing prepared by HR and Finance data domain representatives regarding ledger access to sensitive data by users in Workday Finance—data not accessible in previous systems.
  • Examined possible ways to mitigate the access of sensitive data by finance users and compiled clarifying questions regarding exposure.
  • Endorsed the recommendation for the Data Access and Use Agreement to be implemented for all employees w/access to the sensitive data in Workday Finance.
  • Endorsed the recommendation for training to be developed and required for all employees who have access to the sensitive data in Workday Finance.
  • Discussed additional recommendations to help the University mitigate or manage the operational impacts of the sensitive data exposure to authorized users of Workday Finance.

General Updates:

  • Data Domain Council Chairs provided status updates on the work of their domain councils.
  • EDW Retention Project is currently reviewing questions related to retention and archives and will follow up with UW Records Management and UW Libraries Special Collections (Archives).

CDM/Data 101 Training:

  • Discussed simplifying the training, including training objectives for each session, and confirmed the target audience for each training.

CDM Framework User Guide: 

  • Reviewed the framework and clarified target audience and use. A small workgroup will work to resolve comments in order to finalize for publication.

Core Data Term Vetting Process: 

  • Examined potential questions/criteria to use in the vetting process.
  • Suggested each Data Domain pick its top ten terms for priority vetting.

Property and Space Management Updates

  • Property and Space Management Data Domain Council is in the process of identifying sub-domain stewards.
  • The chair of the Property and Space Management Data Domain Council will begin gathering business requirements for location data from the Data Governance Chairs.

Data/CDM Data 101 Training Updates

  • Committee members reviewed the revised changes to the Data/ Core Data Management 101 training.
  • A decision was made to divide the training into three sections, Data 101, Core Data Management 201, and Core Data Management 301. These trainings are increasingly more detailed and target different audiences. Data 101 and Core Data Management 201 will be published for broad use on the data governance website. Core Data Management 301 will be in-person training.

General Updates:
New leader of Property and Space Management Data Domain, Steve Tatge, joins Data Governance Operational Committee meetings.

CDM Data 101 Training

  • Reviewed the draft starter guide for Data 101 and Core Data Management training.
  • The committee will continue to review and add suggestions to the training document independently.

CDM Framework User Guide

  • Discussed the current iteration of the CDM Framework User Guide for groups initiating or managing CDM-related projects.
  • The committee will continue to review and add suggestions to the user guide document independently, making sure it aligns with the Core Data 101 training.

General Updates:

  • Next steps have been determined for the EDW Retention Project. Academic and Finance Data Domain Chairs will review the use cases and outcomes of Records Management’s review with their data domain councils. Once their review is complete they will bring findings back to the Data Governance Operational Committee.
  • CDM/Core Data 101 training group has met, determined next steps for training, and will report an update at September’s Data Governance Operational Committee Meeting.
  • Core and Cross Data Domain terms and definitions group members have been identified. Next step is to identity a leader for the group.
  • Microsoft Planner, known as MS Planner, is being piloted with DG operational committee for tracking Data Governance Initiatives and Intake.

CDM Framework
Discussed and edited existing CDM Framework draft to create a minimum viable product to begin offering for Data Domain use.

  1. General updates
    • Data Domain Council Chairs provided status updates on the work of their domain councils
    • Progress update on proposed Technology Project Manager position
    • Updates from data domains currently working on hierarchies to replace FinOrg and discussion of future coordination and mapping across hierarchies
  2. Core data
    • Shared updates on core data term vetting, including group members that have confirmed their roles in a new core data term vetting group and the VPs that will be selecting a lead for that group
    • Explored next steps for Core Data 101 training and identified volunteers to develop the training

  1. General updates
    Data Domain Council Chairs provided status updates on the work of their domain councils
  2. Operationalizing the UW’s Core Data Management strategy
    • Evaluated the current and future states for operationalizing UW’s core data strategy, including policy, framework, training, and definitions
    • Discussed reasoning for future state goals based on a 3-5 year timeline
  3. Core and cross data domain training
    • Identified training modules needed for core and cross data domains, what objectives those modules would have, and who the target audience would be for each module
    • Proposed high-level outlines for the training modules and considered the use cases for each module
    • Proposed individuals to be part of a small working group to develop content for training
  4. Implementing core data and dross data domain terms and definitions workflow
    • Identified core and cross data term sources and proposed prioritization methods for defining these terms
    • Proposed ways to determine if terms are universal or specific to certain systems or business processes
    • Proposed that DG Chairs would be responsible for the intake and prioritization process for DG core and cross data domain terms

  1. General Updates:
    • Shared that the Steering Committee confirmed InVision would be the UW location data system of record and that work still needs to be completed to gather business requirements from all data domains, collect missing data, and develop policies and practices for maintaining location data in InVision
    • Shared that the Property and Space Management Data Domain Council will work closely with the Data Governance Operational Committee on location data, as a core data element
    • Shared that the Steering Committee endorsed the use of Pronouns on with caveats discussed at the previous DG Operational Committee Meeting
    • Announced change management for the stewardship model email will be going out to former trustees/custodians and will be CC’d to all members of the data domain councils
  2. Core Data Management:
    • Discussed a draft Core Data Management workflow, including proposed key content for policy, framework, training, and Core/Cross Data Domain terms and definitions
    • Members agreed to take time to evaluate and edit the workflow, problem statement, objectives, target audience, and key content and discuss at the next DG Operational Committee meeting

  1. EDW Retention Next Steps
    Reminder to committee to fill out the data governance intake form if they see a reason to retain data in the EDW longer than the data’s regular retention period
  2. Operationalizing Core Data Strategy
    • Discussed potential framework, guidelines, and policies needed to operationalize the data governance core data management strategy
    • Discussed potential resources and references that could help identify high priority items for committee development
  3. Re-evaluating Access and Roles
    • Identified urgent access and roles topics to be addressed in 2022
    • Discussed improvement strategies and resources data governance should review regarding access and roles

  1. Institutional Org Structure
    Summarized next steps and resources from the most recent steering committee meeting regarding IOS
  2. Operationalizing Core Data Strategy
    Discussed what’s needed to operationalize the data governance core data management strategy
  3. Re-evaluating Access and Roles
    Evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of current system access and roles for both system to system access and individual user access

  1. IOS (Institutional Org Structure) Updates
    Outcomes: Discussed status, recommendations and next steps, including communications and resources needed to progress at a reasonable pace.
  2. Core Data: Country Codes Standards
    Outcomes: Discussed status and next steps for implementing the new, approved UW standard for Country Codes. Identified a sub-domain steward and process for reviewing updates to the standard.
  3. EDW Retention
    Outcomes: Reviewed proposed use cases for keeping data in the EDW longer than retention schedules and discussed the need for further discovery before decision-making.

  1. Updates on DG initiatives
    Updates: Improvements to website for transparency, organizational change management planning for shifting from trustee/custodian model to new stewardship approach, intake items
  2. Data Domain council updates
    Updates: Research and Academic domains launching
  3. Location Data Next Steps
    Outcomes: Discussed next steps for DG Steering Committee to determine core data system of record for location data. Members were encouraged to provide input on their systems and business processes related to location data, including UW Medicine, UW FT Program and all data domain councils
  4. EDW Retention
    Outcomes: Discussed the retention period for data in the EDW
  5. Core Data Management Strategy
    Outcomes: DG Operational Committee will begin exploring options for operationalizing a central core data management strategy when core data is in decentralized UW units, services, and systems.
  6. Pronouns
    Outcomes: Endorsed UW-IT’s recommendation and change management approach to implementing pronouns for day to day social interactions provided UW-IT clarifies appropriate use, establishes that retention of pronoun data are transitory, develops clear and concise communication about the purpose and appropriate use, and works with the HR data domain council to address labor union concerns or interests

  1. Data domain council updates
  2. Membership changes to the committee
  3. Pronouns
    Outcomes: Heard proposal to add self-identified pronouns to select systems. Proposing group captured the committee’s questions around scope, implementation, retention practices, and additional feedback needed.
  4. IOS
    Outcomes: Reviewed domain feedback on IOS impact and resource assessment to draft recommendation for prioritizing resources for DG Steering Committee. Decided that IOS policy-related issues are out of scope for data governance and best addressed by the Executive Office
  5. Location data

  1. Data domain council updates
  2. Impact and resource assessment for core data topics: IOS and location data
    Outcomes: Drafted initial response to DG Steering Committee request for impact and resource assessments for core data topics, IOS and location data, to be shared with the Steering committee in October

  1. Data governance approach to access and roles, considering FT exigencies
    Outcomes: Prepared recommendations for the DG Steering Committee for how to support FT in a timely manner, in a way that’s not FT-centric and identified issues where data governance can provide guidance (e.g., Open Financial Data and Access/Use)
  2. Re-evaluate past decision to allow unrestricted access to financial information
    Outcomes: Discussed access in FAS and EDW to authorized employees in light of Workday Finance and the FDR. Tabled for future consideration
  3. Updates on work in progress
    Updates: DG Steering and Operational committees to be recharged in line with new stewardship model, intake form now live, IOS task force and EDW retention task force progress

  1. Data stewardship and domain council updates
    Updates: Advancement domain now launched
  2. Access and roles
    Outcomes: Discussed pros and cons of current state, and ideal future state. Recommended peer benchmarking and summarizing issues for the data governance committees
  3. Transition from former trustee/custodian model to the new data stewardship model
    Outcomes: Discussed transition plan and recommended revisions

  1. Data stewardship and domain council updates
    Updates: Domain councils launched (Finance, HR), launching (Advancement, Research), and identifying council chairs (Academics, Property and Space Management)
  2. EDW retention
    Outcomes: Recommended a task force to review and re-assess retention practices
  3. Core Data Management decisions from DG Steering Committee
    Outcomes: Briefed on DG Steering Committee decisions to not pursue a CDM tool now, for the Operational Committee to run point on CDM, and to begin work on priorities at the domain level (e.g., core data inventory, definitions, process)
  4. Core data terms identified by FT
    Outcomes: Assigned the DG Operational Committee with the task of reviewing core data terms and the Finance Data Domain Council the task of reviewing financial data terms proposed by FT
  5. Access and roles
    Outcomes: Discussed data governance and data stewardship role in establishing an overarching philosophy and operational approach to access and roles from a system agnostic perspective

  1. Data stewardship and domain council updates
    Updates: Domain councils launched (Finance) and launching (HR, Advancement, Research)
  2. Institutional organization structure update
    Outcomes: Decision to endorse continuation of the working group to work on requirements gathering
  3. EDW retention
    Outcomes: Briefed on the need for review of current retention practices in the EDW

  1. Updates on in-progress efforts
    Updates: The new UW stewardship model, IOS, and current uses of the historical data map
  2. Intake process
    Outcome: Discussed and provided input on workflow for data governance intake process
  3. Data definitions
    Outcome: Discussed and provided input on workflow for core data and data domain definitions in Knowledge Navigator
  4. Core Data Management
    Outcome: Discussed next steps for core data management.

  1. New members
    Outcome: Welcome and onboarding of new Institutional Data Domain Stewards as part of the launch of a new approach to UW Data Stewardship
  2. Core Data Management overview
    Outcome: Reviewed and discussed CDM white paper and related next steps
  3. Data stewardship and domain council
    Outcome: Received status updates from domain council chairs. Provided feedback on draft data stewardship and domain councils onboarding materials

  1. Finance Transformation/Data Governance task force recommendations
    Outcomes: Provided preliminary feedback on recommendations with action item to provide additional feedback on the full report
  2. Enterprise Organization Codes task force recommendations
    Outcomes: Provided preliminary feedback on recommendations with action item to provide additional feedback on the full report

  1. Steering Committee updates
  2. Data domains
    Outcomes: Finalized an updated list of data domains
  3. Data Stewardship RACI matrix
    Outcomes: Provided preliminary feedback with action item to provide additional feedback online
  4. Discussion of sub-domains
    Outcomes: Recommendations for sub-domain areas for each domain and action item to share with unit teams to gather additional feedback

  1. Steering Committee updates
  2. Task Force updates
  3. Discussion of data domains
    Outcomes: Recommendations for the definition of a data domain and descriptions of each domain

  1. Steering Committee updates
  2. Task Force updates
  3. Data Stewardship
    Outcomes: Endorsed general direction of proposed new stewardship approach and suggested improvements to the model
  4. Discussion of re-envisioning data domains in connection with a new data stewardship model

  1. Steering Committee updates
  2. Task Force updates
  3. Data Stewardship – summary of feedback, benchmarking, and proposed model/structure
    Outcomes: Provided preliminary feedback on proposed new stewardship model with action item to provide additional feedback via small focus groups before the August meeting

  1. Discussion of data stewardship
    Outcome: Completed and reported out results of small group activity from the last two meetings, finalizing input on future approach to data stewardship
  2. Discussion of Country Code Policy
    Outcome: Discussed feedback and voted to approve the recommended policy change and move forward to implementation and communication phases

  1. Steering Committee Updates
  2. Discussion of a draft Roadmap
    Outcome: Adopted an approach to organizational change management and a maturity model, which will be used in data governance projects going forward
  3. Country Code Task Force update
    Outcome: Committee members to review and comment on draft policy and related process
  4. Discussion of data stewardship
    Outcome: Members continued the small group activity from the last meeting, providing input on future approach to data stewardship

  1. Discussion of data stewardship
    Outcome: Members discussed a summary of the current and future state of data stewardship based on previous feedback and began a small group activity to recommend ways to improve a sense of institutional ownership of data, and create a common definition of data stewardship with clear roles and responsibilities that set colleagues up for success.

  1. Discussion of draft Roadmap and maturity model
    Outcome: Recommendation to examine issues related to master data simultaneously with work on data stewardship
  2. Country Code Task Force update
    Outcome: Discussion of work to date to inform draft policy and technical solutions recommendations
  3. New Task Force updates
    Outcome: Charge letters being drafted for Data Governance/Finance Transformation Task Force, Enterprise Organization Structure Task Force, and Classification of Instructional Programs Task Force

  1. Steering Committee Updates
  2. Data Governance Roadmap
    Outcome: Consensus on data governance roadmap with aspirations of tackling more than one topic at a time and recognition of the current resource constraints
  3. Maturity model for major data governance initiatives
    Outcome: Consensus on maturity model the group will use to define current and desired states for data governance initiatives, including recognition that not all efforts will aim to achieve full optimization due to budget or other resource constraints
  4. 4. Re-evaluation of data stewardship (i.e. data trustee and data custodian)
    Outcome: Feedback gathered on current state of UW data stewardship. Recommendation to conduct peer benchmarking on data stewardship models
  5. Task force updates
    Outcome: Country codes—active
    Finance Transformation and data governance intersections—planned
    Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes—planned
    Organizational code structure—planned
  6. Liaison updates
    Outcome: Members shared updates from Computing Directors and the Student Data Council

  1. Steering Committee Updates
  2. Intake form and process
    Outcome: Finalized intake form and process
  3. Discussion of planning tools and process for policy, change management, and communications
    Outcome: Developed a standard process and template for organizational change management and communications of major decisions or initiatives
  4. Roadmap prioritization activity
    Outcome: Prioritized list of data governance initiatives to serve as the basis for a roadmap

  1. Steering Committee Updates
  2. Intake form and process for raising issues to the data governance committees
    Outcome: Formed a sub-group to refine intake form and process for raising issues to the data governance committees
  3. Roadmap for prioritization of activities the committee’s work
    Outcome: Members asked to rank activities on the draft roadmap before the next meeting
  4. Proposal for a UW standard for country codes
    Outcome: Approved recommendation to adopt a standard for country codes for the UW. Approved formation of a task force for implementation, organizational change management and communication of the new country code standard

  1. Steering Committee Updates
  2. Other data-relevant groups
    Outcome: Identified data relevant committees/groups at the UW as well as data governance committee members who are primary liaisons and help create two-way communication between data governance and other data-relevant committees/groups
  3. Hallmarks of successful data governance based on member feedback
    Outcome: Finalized member revisions to draft hallmarks of success and approved sharing it with data governance steering committee for feedback and/or approval
  4. Access and Use Information
    Outcome: Members provided updated access and use information for data governance webpage

  1. Introduction: Data governance history, roles and responsibilities at UW
  2. Discussion of draft hallmarks of success for data governance
    Outcome: Feedback provided on draft hallmarks of success
  3. Discussion of intake form and process for raising issues to the data governance committees
    Outcome: Intake form drafted for raising issues to the data governance committees
  4. Discussion of data governance website structure and content
    Outcome: Feedback provided on the data governance website structure and content