Decisions made by Information & Technology Governance Groups are recorded below.
Date | Decision | Governance Groups |
1/27/2025 | UW-IT is charged to initiate further UW-wide discovery, analysis, planning, and resourcing for directional changes in the Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace platforms. | |
10/31/2024 | Recommend a 3% increase in the Technology Recharge Fee for Fiscal Year 2026. | |
9/26/2024 | UW-IT is asked to initiate design of an enterprise Slate Service for Admissions CRM, working with stakeholders from across the UW. | |
7/31/2024 | Launch a new Academic Services Board within I&T Governance.
6/24/2024 | Launch a new Data Governance Board within I&T Governance, maintaining the existing data stewardship model.
5/9/2024 | Data Classification structure will change to a more unified 4-tiered approach. | |
4/22/2024 | Endorse the first I&T Governance Charter.
3/28/2024 | UW-IT will retire the central service for Husky TV in June 2024 and HFS will continue providing TV services through a vendor like Comcast, starting autumn 2024. These services will be available in the required public areas across all three campuses. | |
2/28/2024 | Maintain UW-IT Audio Conferencing service for mission critical use cases. |