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HR & Finance

Last updated: February 3, 2025
Audience: All UW


The HR & Finance Governance encompasses the applications in the HR & Finance domain at the University of Washington.

The purpose of the HR & Finance I& T Governance Model is to:

  • Ensure efficient, effective, reliable operation of Workday and related HR & Finance applications.
  • Enable efficient, timely, transparent decision-making about the use of resources in this domain.
  • Enable decisions to be made at the lowest governance level possible while still involving necessary. stakeholders, resolving cross-team impacts, and mitigating risk.
  • Align the use of resources in this domain to institutional goals and strategy.
  • Enable stakeholder collaboration and communication in this domain.
  • Build participation and trust between business units and IT teams through ongoing partnership and shared objectives.
  • Maintain and continue to improve governance structures, processes and roles such that governance remains effective over time.

This governance model includes both executive-level decision-making about projects and programs that require a combination of IT and business resources, as well as ongoing prioritization of work to modify systems and data in response to changing business needs. Read the full HR & Finance Governance Charter.


  • Beyond Workday, all systems that enable business processes and data in the HR & Finance domain are in scope of HR & Finance Workday Governance, but they will be governed differently based on their potential impact and risk. These systems include these:
    • Core Workday and all Workday functional modules: Workday HCM (Human Capital Management), Workday Payroll, Workday Benefits, Workday Integrations, Workday Reporting, Workday Finance, Workday Supply Chain, and Adaptive Planning
    • Central systems operated by central business units in the domain, such as UW Hires, Enterprise Data Platform, Workday Strategic Sourcing, SAGE, GHX, Effort Certification, Financial Gap Applications, UW Connect, Central Finance DW, Research Int. Platform, UW Medicine Interop. Platform, UW Medicine DAWG, Core Data Hierarchy Management
    • Integrated systems operated by units and departments across the UW, such as department HR systems, departmental financial systems, shared infrastructure dependences for identity and access management among other dependencies
  • Changes ranging from maintenance and operations to new programs are in scope of HR & Finance Workday Governance, but each type of change should be governed at the lowest level possible while still involving necessary stakeholders, resolving cross-team impacts, and mitigating risk.
  • HR & Finance Governance is scoped to operate alongside existing governance structures, and in the future, HR & Finance Workday Governance groups are expected to be incorporated in the UW’s IT Governance structure.
    • HR & Finance Governance groups are expected to work regularly with UW Data Governance groups to coordinate decision-making in the scope of each governance model and decisions that span these scopes.
    • The HR & Finance Governance model is not intended to impact the scope of other governance groups and UW offices such as the Chief Information Security Officer, Privacy Office, and others.
    • UW Medicine will continue to use the existing UW Medicine IT Governance Partnership to govern its IT resources and extensive ecosystem of systems and platforms, and UW Medicine central business units in the HR & Finance domain will be represented in the HR & Finance Governance model.
    • HR & Finance Workday Governance will also collaborate with the UW Privacy Office and champion privacy measures, policies, and practices to safeguard personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.


The HR & Finance Workday Governance include these governance structures:

Supporting Functions

Project Portfolio Management Supporting Function

A project planning and review process is essential to scope, prioritize, resource, and track projects under the oversight of this governance model. This supporting function will enable governance decision-making by gathering input, assessing proposed changes, drafting plans for governance review, and planning and managing projects. This function includes aspects of product management, project management, and portfolio management.

Participants in this supporting function are responsible for:

  • Quarterly Planning
  • Project Planning and Review

Customer Engagement

This supporting function will ensure that planning and prioritization in this governance model are informed by broad customer input from across the UW. The Customer Engagement function is responsible for further defining the forums from which customer input will be obtained and the ongoing process for doing this regularly, under the direction of the Executive Sponsor Group and the HR & Finance Applications Board.

Participants in the Customer Engagement supporting function are responsible for:

  • Customer Advisory Process
  • Value Delivery

Governance Operations

This supporting function will enable governance operations by providing governance groups with administrative support, coordination, communications, change management, and continuous improvement.

Participants in this supporting function are responsible for:

  • Administrative Support
  • Coordination
  • Communications
  • Change Management
  • Continuous Improvement

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

All HR & Finance Workday Governance groups are charged with representing the needs of the whole UW. The HR & Finance Applications Board will will include representation from Shared Environments across the UW, as well as representation from central business units serving the whole UW.

To ensure broad input, the new governance model will include a customer advisory process. Customer input will be gathered in multiple forums including the community of practice for people who work on Human Resources and a new community of practice for people who work on Finance. Also, the Integrated Service Center (ISC) is creating an Engagement Manager role to provide outreach to and gather input from units.

To raise an issue related to HR/Payroll, please contact the Integrated Service Center. To raise an issue related to Finance, for the duration of the UW Finance Transformation program please contact UWFT. In both cases, issues that require governance input or decisions will be escalated to the appropriate governance group.

If you have a question, concern, or need help with the HR & Finance Workday Governance structure, please email