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Audience tagging on pages

Last updated: November 14, 2024

Pages on IT Connect are sometimes intended for specific audiences, and are sometimes intended for any potential users from the UW. User research conducted about IT Connect documentation found that visitors to the site want to know who the page is intended for, so that they can more quickly determine if the page contains the information they are looking for.

Audience tags can be added to pages, and those tags will appear at the top of the page in a meta information section:

Image showing the top area of a page that contains audience tagging.


Add audience tags to pages

  1. From any page, after logging in, click the “Edit page” link in the black bar at the top of the page
  2. Scroll and locate the “Page Audiences” section of the edit screen, located just below the page title and permalink fields
  3. Check all boxes that apply for the page, defaulting to affiliations if they make sense. You can also enter your own concise audience tag label.
    Image showing the audience tagging fields on the edit screen of a page
  4. Click the update button on the page

Audience tags are not required on IT Connect content, but unless they don’t make sense, they are strongly encouraged.