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Technology Recharge Fee Advisory Committee Charter

Last updated: January 18, 2024
This page is about the legacy IT governance model at the University of Washington and is retained for historical purposes. Visit Information & Technology Governance for information about the UW’s current governance model.


The purpose of the Technology Recharge Fee (TRF) Advisory Committee is to support the IT Service Investment Board in its annual review and assessment of the Technology Recharge Fee.


The TRF Advisory Committee will provide analysis, identify issues, and make recommendations on components of the annual TRF, including costs to provide those services, rate levels, and allocation methodology.


The establishment of three boards to govern IT at the strategic, project and service levels is intended to make decision-making about information technology across the University more comprehensive and holistic. The IT governance structure was established in 2012 and builds upon previous governance efforts.

The structure is comprised of three IT governance boards:

  • IT Strategy Board provides strategic direction on information technology at the University of Washington.
  • IT Service Investment Board makes recommendations about services provided by UW-IT, including priorities and investments for major UW-IT projects.
    • TRF Advisory Committee provides analysis, identifies issues, and makes recommendations that inform the annual review of the Technology Recharge Fee.
  • IT Service Management Board ensures alignment of UW-IT services with institutional IT strategy and priorities, as identified by the other two governance boards, and optimizes the design, delivery, operation and sourcing of those services.

A primary responsibility of the IT Service Investment Board is the annual review of the Technology Recharge Fee (TRF) and to provide a recommendation to the Provost. The TRF was established in 2010 to provide a sustainable, long-term funding model for critical information technology services at the UW.

The fee is a per capita rate paid by all UW academic and administrative units and campuses, and UW Medicine. It supplements existing central funds to pay for basic services. Current rates and more information on the history of the TRF are on the UW Information Technology website.
The Board is assisted by the TRF Advisory Committee, which provides analysis, identifies issues, and makes recommendations in support of the annual TRF review.


The TRF Advisory Committee is made up of UW administrators representing UW academic and administrative units and campuses, and UW Medicine. Members are appointed by the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO.

The Chief Financial Officer of UW-IT will coordinate all meetings and serve as Co-Chair of the Committee. An additional member will be appointed by the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO to serve as Co-Chair and to act as liaison to the IT Service Investment Board.

The TRF Advisory Committee is advisory to the IT Service Investment Board.

The committee is supported by the Office of the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO.


The TRF Advisory Committee meets monthly from September through January, or upon request of the IT Service Investment Board or TRF Advisory Committee Co-Chairs.