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IT Service Investment Board Charter

Last updated: January 18, 2024
This page is about the legacy IT governance model at the University of Washington and is retained for historical purposes. Visit Information & Technology Governance for information about the UW’s current governance model.


The purpose of the IT Service Investment Board is to:

  • Review major UW Information Technology (UW-IT) projects and make recommendations about priorities and investments to the Vice President for UW Information Technology and CIO. As part of this review, the Board considers support for the University’s strategic goals, as well as costs and funding levels. The Board also considers input from the IT Strategy Board and the IT Service Management Board.
  • Conduct an annual review and assessment of the Technology Recharge Fee (TRF) and recommend changes as needed. This review includes evaluation of services to be covered, costs to provide those services, rate level, and allocation methodology.
  • Provide advice and recommendations on major University IT projects as requested by the Vice President for UW Information Technology and CIO, in accordance with the University’s Information Technology, Telecommunications and Networking Projects and Acquisitions Policy (APS 2.3).
  • Refer issues and recommendations to the IT Strategy Board and the IT Service Management Board as needed.


The IT Service Investment Board has purview over services provided by UW-IT, including services currently not covered through the TRF, such as services offered by Information Management and self-sustaining services. Also in scope is prioritization of major IT projects that support, enhance or deprecate existing services, or that implement new services.


The establishment of three boards to govern IT at the strategic, project and service levels is intended to make decision-making about information technology across the University more comprehensive and holistic. The IT governance structure was established in 2012 and builds upon previous governance efforts.

The structure is comprised of three IT governance boards:

  • IT Strategy Board provides strategic direction on information technology at the University.
  • IT Service Investment Board makes recommendations about services provided by UW-IT, including priorities and investments for major UW-IT projects.
    • TRF Advisory Committee provides analysis, identifies issues, and makes recommendations that inform the annual review of the Technology Recharge Fee.
  • IT Service Management Board ensures alignment of UW-IT services with institutional IT strategy and priorities, as identified by the other two governance boards, and optimizes the design, delivery, operation and sourcing of those services.

A primary responsibility of the IT Service Investment Board is to conduct an annual review of the Technology Recharge Fee and to provide a recommendation to the Provost. The TRF was established in 2010 to provide a sustainable, long-term funding model for critical information technology services at the UW. The fee is a per capita rate paid by all UW academic and administrative units. It supplements existing central funds to pay for basic services. Current rates and more information on the history of the TRF are on the UW Information Technology website.

The IT Service Investment Board is guided by strategic direction from the IT Strategy Board, and it brings issues and recommendations to the IT Strategy Board for its consideration. Similarly, the IT Service Investment Board considers issues and recommendations brought to it by the IT Service Management Board, and it provides direction to the IT Service Management Board on high-level changes to services provided by UW-IT.

In addition, a Technology Recharge Fee Advisory committee, comprised of UW administrators and coordinated by UW-IT’s Chief Financial Officer, provides analysis and makes recommendations to the IT Service Investment Board in support of its annual TRF review.


The IT Service Investment Board is comprised of representative Chancellors, Deans, Vice Presidents and Vice Provosts, or their designated direct reports. The membership may include:

        • One or more Deans, Associate Deans or Chairs, representing a broad spectrum of UW schools and colleges
        • A Chancellor or Vice Chancellor from UW Bothell or UW Tacoma
        • A Dean, Vice President, or Vice Dean from the School of Medicine
        • A Dean or Associate Dean from a Health Sciences school or college
        • One or more Vice Presidents or Associate Vice Presidents from large administrative units
        • A senior-level representative from UW Medicine/Medical Centers
        • A representative from the Faculty Senate (Faculty Senate Chair or Chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting)
        • An Associate Vice Provost from Planning and Budgeting
        • An Associate Vice Provost from Research
        • The Vice President for UW-IT and CIO

In addition, three representatives may serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the IT Service Investment Board: UW-IT’s Chief Financial Officer, a delegate from the Technology Recharge Fee Advisory Committee, and one other UW-IT staff member identified by the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO.

The IT Service Investment Board is advisory to the Vice President for UW Information Technology and CIO. The Chair of the IT Service Investment Board is appointed by the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO. The term of appointment is a minimum of one academic year.


The IT Service Investment Board meets three to four times a year, or as needed, and is supported by the Office of the Vice President for UW-IT and CIO.