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UW Husky ID Card and Data Acceptable Use Standard

Last updated: October 10, 2024


NOTE: The original “Acceptable Use Standard – Husky ID Card and Husky ID Card Data” was published in 2013 as a PDF document. The entire content of that PDF document has been copied onto this webpage, to provide for enhanced content accessibility.

(Approved by the Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Services, the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, the Associate Vice President for Facilities Services, and the Vice President for Human Resources).


The Husky ID Card (“Husky Card”) is the official identification card for members of the University of Washington (UW) community. It is used for visual identification (photo validation) and to electronically access designated University services provided by UW academic, business, and student organizations (UW Organizations). Such services include but are not limited to access to certain UW facilities, Husky Card Account debit funds, U-PASS transit, UW Libraries, and the Intramural Athletic facility.


This standard:

  • Defines the acceptable uses of the UW Husky Card including the physical card as well as the printed and electronic data associated with the card;
  • Applies to all UW campuses and locations;
  • Outlines the process to be used by UW organizations, individual cardholders and third parties in requesting authorization to access and use Husky Card data for purposes other than visually confirming the identity of the cardholder; and
  • Identifies the limitations on use of the Husky Card by the cardholder, UW organizations, and third parties.

Roles and Responsibilities

UW IT Data Trustees and Custodians

  1. Data Trustees
    • Exercise authority over policies, procedures, and standards that govern data definitions, access, and use for data stored on the Husky Card, mirrored in the Husky Card Database, or accessed through a process enabled by the Husky Card and within their purview according to the UW Data Map.
    • Serve as executive sponsors of the Husky Card Advisory Committee, which provides oversight and direction on Husky Card data and use issues.
  2. Data Custodians
    • Implement and enforce adherence to this standard.
    • Review and authorize requests to access and use Husky Card data for purposes other than visual identification of the cardholder.
    • Provide guidance and education about this standard.
    • Submit recommendations for updates to this standard to the Husky Card Advisory Committee.
  3. Husky Card Advisory Committee (HCAC)
    • Advises the Husky Card Data Trustees and Husky Card program management on policies, practices and matters pertaining to the Husky Card program.
    • Assesses and evaluates risk factors associated with and opportunities for improvement of the Husky Card program.
    • Advises the Husky Card Data Trustees & Custodians on policies, practices and matters pertaining to data stored in the Husky Card Database, on Husky Cards, or associated with the Husky Card program.
    • Serves as a resource to campus entities considering the use of the Husky Card for physical credentialing and identification. In collaboration with UW Information Technology (UW-IT), provides direction to UW organizations regarding the selection of appropriate magnetic stripe and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader equipment.
  4. Husky Card Office (HCO)
    • Serves as the lead UW organization for addressing issues related to Husky Card production, management recommendations, and communication about the Husky Card program and program practice.
    • Collaborates with the HCAC, Data Custodians, and campus partners to establish appropriate policies and practices regarding the treatment of cards and card data.
    • Receives and reviews Husky Card related data requests and provides administrative support to the Data Custodians in their consideration and processing of those requests.
    • Fulfills requests for access to card-related data as authorized by the Data Custodians(s).

Management and Security of Husky Card Data

  1. UW Policies and Standards in Force
  2. Cardholder Terms and Conditions of Use
  3. UW Organizations – Use of Husky Card Printed Data
    • No authorization is required for UW Organizations’ use of the Husky Card Photo, Person Name, University Identification Number (SID, EID), Person Status (e.g., Student, Employee, Retiree, etc.) for visual identification of the cardholder. Use of the printed data elements for purposes other than visual identification of the cardholder must be authorized by the appropriate Data Custodians(s).
    • Recording, storage or use of the printed transit card serial number (CSN) and/or the printed card verification number (CVN) is not allowed without the authorization of the appropriate Data Custodians.
  4. UW Organizations – Use and Limitations on Use of Husky Card Electronic Data
    • UW Organizations may not access Husky Card electronic data without obtaining the advance approval of the appropriate Data Custodians.
    • UW Organizations that are authorized to access Husky Card electronic data may read the card by authorized electronic mechanisms (card swipe or RFID reader) only for the purpose of verifying identity unless the organization has been explicitly authorized by the appropriate Data Custodians(s) to access and use other data associated with the card.
    • UW Organizations that are requesting use of Husky Card electronic data must comply with University-specified equipment and software requirements for magnetic stripe and RFID readers.
    • UW Organizations that have not been granted authorization may not capture or use Husky Card electronic data elements for any purpose.
    • UW Organizations that have been authorized to use electronic data elements for identity verification or to grant rights or privileges may not combine data derived from the Husky Card with any local data unless explicitly authorized by the Data Custodians.
    • For purposes of this standard only, the University Book Store and the University of Washington Club are considered UW Organizations.
    • Download the Husky ID Card Electronic Data Access Request (docx) to request electronic data access to Husky Card data. If you have questions or accessibility needs, please contact and use subject line: Electronic Data Information. (Added May, 2018)
  5. Third Party Use and Limitations on Use of Husky Card Printed or Electronic Data. Third parties may not:
    • Require presentation of a person’s Husky Card for any non-UW purpose, as card presentation for such purposes is strictly voluntary by the cardholder.
    • Access transit data contained in the ORCA RFID chip without explicit advance authorization by the Regional Fare Coordination Project (ORCA), consistent with its business rules and applicable law.
    • Access and/or store a Husky Card’s electronic or printed data elements without the written authorization of the appropriate UW Data Custodians(s).
  6. Other Party Use of Husky ID Card Data
    • Except as authorized by the responsible Data Trustee or Data Custodian, information contained on or derived from the Husky Card and its related data will not be released to persons outside the UW except as required by law, court order or subpoena, or upon receipt of written authorization by the cardholder.

Husky ID Card Data Definitions

Husky Card-eligible UW employee, student, or other UW-authorized individual to whom the Husky Card is issued
Card Issue Date
Calendar date the Husky Card is printed for use by the cardholder
Card Verification Number (CVN)
Three digit number used for Husky Card registration at the ORCA website and printed on the back of the card
Electronic Data
The Husky Card’s Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and its Magnetic Stripe Encoding
Electronic Serial Number (ESN)
The Husky Card’s unique serial number defined by the software manufacturer
Magnetic Stripe Encoding
The unique number encoded on magnetic stripe at the time of Husky Card printing
Person Name
Cardholder name as entered into UW administrative system of record, and printed on the Husky Card
Person Photo
Cardholder photo printed on the face of the Husky Card
Transit Card Serial Number (CSN)
The unique number assigned by the Husky Card manufacturer specific to the cardstock and printed on the card
UW Identification Number
The Employee ID (EID) or Student ID (SID) number associated with the Cardholder and printed on the card.