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What’s Changing in DocuSign

November 13, 2023

eSignatures Updates

Update: Removal of aging envelopes in DocuSign to begin November 2023

What’s happening?

The eSignatures service team has begun implementing procedures to guarantee the removal of aging envelopes in DocuSign. This work is expected to begin the week of November 27th. We will be reaching out to the account Delegated Administrators with more details when we are ready to begin working on each department’s account. For more information about why this change is occurring, see below. 

What do I need to do? 

If you have sent envelopes using DocuSign, now is a great time to start working with your team’s Delegated Administrator to identify and download any envelopes that you’ve sent that need to be retained for records retention purposes.

If you are a Delegated Administrator, work with your team members to ensure that any envelopes that need to be retained have been downloaded and stored in your team’s repository. Review your team’s DocuSign group(s) and identify if anyone has left but still has an active account. The eSignatures team can help transfer their materials to someone who will be able to download them. 

Why is this change happening?

Since the introduction of the centralized eSignatures service (DocuSign) at the University of Washington in 2014, the eSignatures service has required individual users to retain completed envelopes and other records outside of the DocuSign system in a repository that meets state and federal standards for records storage as outlined in the Acceptable Use Requirements.

To encourage users to correctly store records, the eSignatures team will begin purging aging envelopes this fall. Enforcing a periodic purge will ensure compliance with the UW Records Management and UW Medicine Records and Information Governance guidelines and policies.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this announcement, please reach out to the eSignatures team directly at eSignatures Help.

If you have any questions regarding records management, please reach out to the UW Records Management Services team at For questions regarding UW Medicine Records and Information Governance, you can reach their team at