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UWSDBDataStore Reorg on June 4, 2022

May 31, 2022

UWSDBDataStore Reorg on June 4, 2022

The student database (SDB) will go through a reorganization on June 4, 2022 which will cause changes in the Enterprise Data Warehouse database, UWSDBDataStore. These changes to the objects will be available in the UWSDBDataStore on June 6. 2022.
However, data on the new objects will be available as soon as the Data Custodians submit the security role definitions and the SIS team loads the data.

Last Updated – 5.31.22

Columns to be Added

Table Column DataType
sa_transaction op_dat_wd_ck_no int
sf_evaluation bridge_grant_amt int
state_aid_only char(1)
student_2  titleix_stat tinyint
titleix_stat_dt datetime
titleix_exp_dt datetime
titleix_comment char(75)
titleix_updt_dt datetime
titleix_updt_id char(12)

Columns to be Removed

Table Column DataType
sa_wd_det_trans  indexd1 datetime

Columns with data type changes

Table Column DataType
sa_wd_sum_tran wd_sum_proc_date  datetime
wd_sum_trans_date  datetime

Tables to be Added

mailer_table mlr_office char(1)
mlr_no smallint
mlr_recipient char(1)
mlr_last_yr smallint
mlr_last_qtr tinyint
mlr_first_yr smallint
mlr_first_qtr tinyint
mlr_title char(30)
mlr_subject_line char(80)
mlr_from_email char(80)
mlr_is_used bit
mlr_update_id char(12)
mlr_update_date datetime
mlr_system_msg bit
mlr_variable_data bit
mlr_stop_footer bit
mlr_stop_header bit
mlr_flag_6 bit
mlr_flag_7 bit
mlr_flag_8 bit
mlr_num_lines smallint
mlr_spare_1 char(12)
mlr_spare_2 char(12)
mlr_spare_3 char(12)


 mlr_office char(1)
 mlr_no smallint
mlr_recipient char(1)
mlr_last_yr smallint
mlr_last_qtr tinyint
index1 smallint
mlr_line char(100)
















table_type tinyint
table_key char(20)
record_type smallint
table_subkey tinyint
som_sum_beg_dt datetime
som_sum_end_dt datetime
som_sum_disb_dt datetime
som_aut_beg_dt  datetime
som_aut_end_dt datetime
som_aut_disb_dt datetime
som_win_beg_dt datetime
som_win_end_dt datetime
som_win_disb_dt datetime
som_spr_beg_dt datetime
som_spr_end_dt datetime
som_spr_disb_dt datetime