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UWSDBDataStore Reorg on January 29, 2022

January 27, 2022

UWSDBDataStore Reorg on January 29,2022

The student database (SDB) will go through a reorganization on January 29,2022 which will cause changes in the Enterprise Data Warehouse database, UWSDBDataStore. These changes to the objects will be available in the UWSDBDataStore on January 31, 2022.
However, data on the new objects will be available as soon as the Data Custodians submit the security role definitions and the SIS team loads the data.

(last modified: 01.29.2022)

*Please continuously monitor this site for the most current update.

Old Columns to be deleted

Table Column
sa_sf_fund fund_flag_45
sa_wd_det_trans wd_det_proc_pd
sa_wd_sum_tran wd_sum_proc_pd

Columns to be Added

Table Column DataType
addresses dip_chg_date datetime
dip_chg_user_id char(12)
diploma_city char(30)
diploma_country char(40)
diploma_line_1 char(30)
diploma_line_2 char(30)
diploma_phone_num decimal(10,0)
diploma_postal_cd char(10)
diploma_state char(2)
diploma_zip_4 char(4)
diploma_zip_5 char(5)
budget_resources br_pkg_pt_sw char(1)
finaid_docs_desc fdd_archive_dt datetime
sa_sf_fund fund_school_med bit
sa_wd_det_trans wd_det_run_no int
wd_det_bal_unit char(6)
sa_wd_sum_tran wd_sum_bal_unit char(6)
wd_sum_run_no int
sdbdb01 g_sa_post_status char(1)
g_sa_post_run_no int
sf_evaluation strt_qtr_ovrd tinyint
coa_accepted_flg char(1)
coa_accepted_dt datetime
partial_isir_load char(1)
sf_history iasg_eligible_flg char(1)
sap_appeal_date datetime
sap_appeal_qtr tinyint
sap_appeal_yr smallint
sap_mtf_subtr_cr smallint
sap_pace_subtr_cr smallint
sap_plan char(1)
sap_prob_rem_qtrs tinyint
sap_prob_tot_qtrs tinyint

Data Type changes

Table Column Old Datatype New Datatype
student_2 diploma_name char(45) char(80)