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SpaceWS EVAL Release: Support for migrating to the new Space Inventory Management System

March 1, 2021

During the last week of March 2021, the Capital and Space Management team will be migrating to a new Space Inventory Management System.

We are adapting Space Web Service (SpaceWS) to the source system changes which will result in:

  • Some field type and length changes
  • Some fields will no longer provide any data (We will NOT remove any fields at this time)

Change Details:

The list of field changes that may impact you are available on our Wiki at

Opportunity to Evaluate:

These changes are in the SpaceWS EVAL environment and available for you to test. Please see for instructions on connecting to this environment. We are scheduled to release these changes into Production in coordination with the Capital and Space Management team on March 31, 2021


Please contact us at

We will send an additional communication when these changes are in Production.