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Salary and Wage Expense Bug Fix: Missing Current Fiscal Year

November 13, 2020

In response to user feedback, the Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update to resolve a bug in the Salary and Wage Expense Detail report in the BI Portal.

Change Summary:

A user reported that the “Year” filter was excluding the current Fiscal Year (2021). By default, the report filters by Calendar Year, but you can filter by Fiscal Year by choosing “Fiscal Year” from the “Period” Filter.

This is what the filter options looked by before the update:

And after the update. You can now select the current Fiscal Year!

Additional Resources:

It can sometimes be confusing to keep all of the different financial years straight, “it’s 2020, and we’re in the 2021 FY, but the 2019 Biennium…”

For a quick reference, we recommend you try the UW Calendars dashboard on the BI Portal! This tool shows you for today, or any date, where the UW is at on the academic calendar, federal fiscal calendar, state biennium calendar, and so on. See for yourself: UW Calendars

Also, we’re updating our report format for a simpler and more modern look and feel. To read more about these changes, check out this news story: 8 Things You Should Know About Our BI Portal Report Format Updates

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many UW institutional concepts, including Account Code and Budget Number. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions or if you would like to provide feedback, please write and put “BI Portal Question: Salary and Wage Expense Detail” in the subject line.