RPG Release: Updated Instructor Title on Time Schedule Information
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the Time Schedule Information report. Run the report to see for yourself!
Change Summary:
A user requested that we update the “Instructor Title” field on the report. They told us the data was often sparse and didn’t allow them to meaningfully group Instructors based on title. We replaced the Workday “Job Title Abbreviation” with the Workday “Business Title” in the report.
Here’s an example of the differences:
- Before the Update:
- After the update:
Please Note:
- The Title displayed in the report is the Instructor’s current Business Title in Workday. It is not their title for the quarter that they taught the course.
- A user’s ability to access EDW data is limited by their EDW ASTRA role. As a result, not all users will be able to view the Instructor Title data. Due to the security settings on this HR/P data, users with the Adviser/Academic Staff EDW ASTRA role cannot view Instructor Title, and will see blank values in the report. For more information on EDW Security, please visit IT Connect: https://it.uw.edu/work/data/data-security/
Questions and Feedback:
This report references many UW institutional concepts, including Business Title. To get detailed definitions for this and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!
As always, if you have any questions, please write help@uw.edu and put “RPG: Time Schedule Information Report” in the subject line.