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RPG Release: Study Abroad Students Bug Resolved

March 9, 2020

Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released a bug fix to the Study Abroad Students by Unit Report.

Change Summary:

At the start of a quarter, prior to census day, the report was inadvertently excluding some study abroad students from the report. This problem was identified and resolved in a recent release. Previously, the report sourced from an EDW table that was only updated quarterly, after census day. The report now sources data from a UWSDBDataStore table that updates daily with information from SDB.

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many concepts like Study Abroad Student and Study Abroad Program. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “RPG: Study Abroad Students Report” in the subject line.