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RPG Release: Start and End Quarters on Minor Codes Report

June 11, 2020

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released updates to the BI Portal report, Minor Codes.

Change Summary:

Based on user requests, the Minor Codes report was simplified to reduce confusion. Now when you run the report for a department, it displays all Minors managed by the department, active and discontinued. We made the following updates:

  • Filter Update:

    • The “Include Only Active Codes” button was causing confusion because a minor can be “active” but have an end quarter that is in the future.
    • We removed the “Include Only Active Codes” radio button altogether to reduce confusion.

  • Column Updates:

    • In the report the “Current Status” column displayed “Active” or “Discontinued”. Again, this column was causing confusion because a minor can be “active” but have an end quarter that is in the future.
    • We removed the “Current Status” column and added two new columns:
      • Start Quarter:
        • Displays the first quarter the minor was active.
      • End Quarter:
        • Displays the last quarter the minor is active
        • If a minor does not have an end date, the column displays “No End Quarter”

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many concepts like CIP Code and Minor. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “RPG: BI Portal Minor Codes report” in the subject line.