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RPG Release: New Filters and Fields on Class List Report

January 10, 2020

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released several updates to the report Class List By Curriculum Course Section. Run the report to see for yourself!

Change Summary:

Based on user requests, we made several updates to functionality, including:

  • Selected Qtr Class column:

    • First, some context. When you select “Class” from the Columns to Display dropdown, two Class columns display.
      • “Current Class” is the student’s class level for the current quarter
      • “Selected Qtr Class” is the student’s class level during the Quarter selected in the “Quarter” filter.
    • Before the update, when you ran the report for future quarters, the logic inserted “0-Pending” as the student’s Class Level. We were told that was not very useful information.
    • After the update, when you run the report for future quarters, the report now displays a student’s latest Class Level in the “Selected Qtr Class” column.
  • Columns to Display
    • This filter now includes a “Default” option.

We also added some new columns to the report. You can find these fields in the “Columns to Display” dropdown:

  • Race:
  • Underrepresented:
    • This column displays a student’s URM Status
    • The possible values are “International”, “URM”, and “Not URM”, and the logic aligns with the institutional definition of URM, and the way URM is displayed in UW Profiles.

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many UW institutional concepts, including URM. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “RPG: Class List Report” in the subject line.