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RPG Release: New Filter and Fields on Major Codes

January 28, 2021

The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released new changes to the BI Portal report Major Codes.

Change Summary:

Based on feedback from the Graduate School and RPG, we updated the Major Codes filters and columns in the following ways:

Filter Updates

We added a new filter “Degree Level” to the report:

The new filter allows you to restrict the report dataset to only the degree levels you want to see, like Bachelor or Professional.

New Columns

We also added several new columns:

  • Degree Title:
    • This column displays the full title for the Degree associated with the Major.
  • Funding Type:
    • This column displays the program’s funding type, either Tuition Based, Continuum College Fee Based, or Department Fee Based.
  • Online Only:
    • This column displays a “Yes” if a Degree Program is online only. An online only degree program does not require a student’s physical presence on campus or other physical location.


This report references important institutional concepts like Student Major, Fee Based, Tuition Based and many others. If you have questions about the meaning of these or any other terms, please explore the links or find more detail in the Knowledge Navigator.

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “BI Portal Report Question: Major Codes Report” in the subject line.