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RPG Release: AP/IB Credit on UG Transcript Course Search by Major

August 19, 2020

The Report Prioritization Group just released several enhancements to the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line.

Change Summary:

In this section we reference several key concepts. For more on these concepts, explore Knowledge Navigator:

Based on user feedback, we updated the report in the following ways:

  • Credit for AP/IB and other Extension Credit:

    • Previously, the report displayed a “Y” in the Course Taken Indicator column only if a student:
      • Took a UW course and received credit for it.
      • Received transfer credit for a course taken at another institution.
    • Now the report also displays a “Y” in the Course Taken Indicator column if a student:
      • Received credit for an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course.
      • Or, received any other type of extension credit.
  • Updated the report population to include Pending Majors:

    • Previously, the report only included “Declared Majors” — students whose Major 1, 2, or 3 was the user-selected Major.
    • Now the report also includes students whose “Pending Major” matches the the user-selected Major.
    • We made this update based on feedback from the advising community that “my majors includes my declared majors and my pending majors”.
    • This report’s student population, now aligns with the Undergraduates Eligible to Register student population.
  • Added Pending Major Columns:

    • Since we added Pending Major students to the report population, we also added Pending Major 1, 2, 3 columns to the report. You can now choose to display a student’s Pending Major from the Columns to Display filter.

  • Bug Fix:

    • We fixed a bug in the report that was causing row duplication. When a user selected multiple curriculums that had the same course number, the report would display two rows (e.g. T ACCT 210 and T BGEN 210).
    • This is an uncommon use case, but we fixed the issue while we made the other updates.


For more details on the initial release of this new report, please read this news story in IT Connect: RPG New Report Release: Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

This report references important institutional concepts like “Pending Major“, “Extension Credit“, and many others. If you have questions about the meaning of these or any other terms, please explore the links or find more detail in the Knowledge Navigator.

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line.