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New Tableau License Model and Price

October 1, 2020

As of July 1st, 2020, Tableau Prep is no longer available for free with your Tableau Desktop license. Tableau bundled Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep into a new license type – Tableau Creator. This license type is a month-to-month, subscription-based model.

This change in the licensing model impacts only the purchase of a new Tableau license.

What is different about the new licensing model vs. the current model?

  • New licenses do not have the initial $1,200 license fee.
  • The new annual cost for Tableau Desktop (Creator) will be 52 per month (not the current rate of $35 per month)

Who is impacted by this change?

  • Only new purchases of Tableau Desktop are impacted.
  • Current owners of Tableau Desktop will continue to be charged $35/month

When is the new Tableau licensing model taking effect?

October 1, 2020.


  • I currently own a Tableau Desktop license. I would like to use Tableau Prep in the near future. Do I need to buy a new license?
    • No, you do not have to purchase a new license. We will transfer your license to the new Tableau Creator license. There is no cost for this transfer, however your monthly subscription will increase from $35/month to $52/month from the time of the transition to the new license model.
  • If I already use Tableau Desktop, are these changes impacting me in any way?
    • No, these changes do not impact you. You will continue to be charged $35/month.
  • Will the cost of the current Tableau licenses increase due to this change? If yes, when?
    • Eventually, yes.  Tableau requires us to convert all of the Tableau licenses to Tableau Creator licenses by 2024. There will be no cost associated with the conversion; however, the monthly subscription rate will be more than $35/month. We are not converting any licenses to the new model this current fiscal year. We are working with Tableau and UW on a detailed transition timeline.

Additional Questions?

If you have any additional questions about these updates, please write with “Tableau: New License Model” in the subject line.