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New Report: General Ledger Transactions by Month

January 3, 2020

Enterprise Reporting and Analytics has partnered with the DATAgroup in Financial Management to release a new report to the BI Portal: General Ledger Transactions by Month

Report Summary:

This report gives users who are responsible for auditing and reconciling GLs a way to see individual transaction data for a specific GL Account/Fund Code combination by accounting month. 

The report sources data from the Enterprise Data Warehouse and refreshes nightly. 

What has Changed?

If you previously ran this report on the Financial Management site, you might be wondering, “what has changed?” Nothing has changed with the report, only where you go to access it. Now you can run both the GL Summary Report and the GL Transactions by Month reports on the BI Portal.

Consolidating these reports on the BI Portal allows us to leverage the EDW data security model. It also means you don’t have to go to two different sites to get the information you need to do your work. 

What about Access and Permissions?

This report sources data from the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). EDW data is secured using roles and ASTRA. If you do not have EDW Permission to view this data, then you will not be able to run the report. Don’t worry! Here are the steps you can follow to get access to run this report.

  • Do you already have access but don’t remember your role? Here are the steps to find your ASTRA role: Show my Authorizations
  • Does your role have access to view this report? Check out the Security Tab for this report in the BI Portal! GL Transactions by Month


This report references terms like General Ledger Account Code and General Ledger Prime Account. If you have questions about the meaning of these or any other terms, please explore the link above or find more detail in the Knowledge Navigator

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “New Report Question: GL Transactions by Month” in the subject line.