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New Report and Data Release: Cost Share Commitments and Contributions

September 20, 2019

Now Available in the EDW: Cost Share Commitments and Contributions data and report

Do you find managing Cost Share with the Unmet Cost Share Report difficult because of the way commitments and contribution details are organized? If you could, would you like to dive deeper into how Cost Share commitments roll up to the Financial Organization at the Dean, Major, Department, and Subdivision levels?  Would it make your life easier if you could filter out closed Cost Share Commitments or analyze data by the Award End Date?

Thanks to the partnership between Information Management team in UW-IT and Kirsten DeFries, Andra Sawyer, and Matt Gardner of the Post Award Fiscal Compliance team, access to this information and more is now available in the EDW, BI Portal, and Knowledge Navigator.

New Report:

The new Cost Share Commitments and Contributions report, available in the BI Portal, shows summary information on all active Sponsored Awards with a Cost Share Commitment entered into the Cost Share Summary system.

The report gives users detailed and summary information and the ability to analyze Cost Share commitments by the four levels of the Org Code (Dean, Major, Department, Subdivision), Award PI, and days until award end date.

New Data:

The report sources all of the data from a new table in the EDW. The new EDW data sourced from the Sponsored Award as entered into the SAGE suite and the Cost Share Summary system.

This data can be accessed via ODS.sec.CostShareBalancePeriod. You will find fields that relate revenue source, object code, expiration days, commitment descriptions, Cost Share type (mandatory or voluntary), and more. The table can be easily joined using budget number or account code to other financial tables within ODS.

Database: ODS
View: sec.CostShareBalancePeriod


If you have any questions about the meaning of Cost Share or any other terms referenced in this report, please visit Knowledge Navigator.

If you have any questions about the report or would like to provide feedback, please write and put “BI Portal Cost Share Commitments and Contributions Report” in the subject line.