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Important Notice – Upcoming Data Tenant Changes in EDP for Finance Transformation Environments

March 29, 2023

Updated April 19, 2023

Some EDP environments will be subject to multiple data tenant switches during the month of April to support various UWFT activities. If you are accustomed to using the following environments for your development and testing work, these environments may not reflect the data you think it should during this time. 

Tenant build 5.0 data is now available in FWS v2 EVAL and UWODS/WDFinDataMart PROD environments per the EDP FT Environment Schedule.

Environment Expected Dates for Unreliable Data Recommended Action Link to Reliable Environment
FWS v2 DEV Outbound March 30 – May 3
  • If you require a more reliable environment, we strongly recommend that you choose the EVAL environment instead.1
  • If you plan to participate in UWFT activities, like Cutover Dress Rehearsal, then plan to use FWS v2 DEV.2 
FWS v2 EVAL Outbound:
FWS v2 EVAL Inbound March 30 – May 3 If you are accustomed to using the FWS v2 DEV Outbound environment to validate common transactions submitted using the FWS v2 EVAL Inbound environment, the data that you validate may not reflect the data you think it should during this time. 

  • If you require a more reliable environment, we strongly recommend that you choose the End-to-End (E2E) Inbound environment to post transactions and validate using the FWS v2 EVAL (Outbound) and/or UWODS/WDFinDataMart PROD environment.
  • If you plan to post transactions as part of UWFT activities, like Cutover Dress Rehearsal, then plan to use the FWS v2 EVAL (inbound) environment. Use the FWS v2 DEV (outbound) and/or UWODS/WDFinDataMart TEST environment to validate.2 
Post transactions via:

Validate transactions via:


  • UWODS/WDFinDataMart PROD: (SQL Server)
UWODS/WDFinDataMart TEST March 30 – May 4
  • If you require a more reliable environment, we strongly recommend that you choose the applicable PROD environment instead. 
  • If you plan to participate in UWFT activities, like Cutover Dress Rehearsal, then plan to use the applicable TEST environment.2 (SQL Server)

1For guidance on validating common transactions during this time, refer to the Recommended Action for FWS v2 EVAL Inbound in the table above.

2For specific dates scheduled for data tenant switches, refer to the EDP FT Environment Schedule. We will update this schedule as needed.