Enhancing Invoice Tracking with the Grant Manager Dashboard
A new version of the Grant Manager Dashboard is now available, which improves visibility into outstanding invoices for grants in Closeout in Progress or Expired status. These enhancements highlight invoices that require attention and help Grant Managers take timely action, ensuring compliance and preventing delays.
This article introduces these enhancements and explains how to access them within the Grant Manager Dashboard.
About the Grant Manager Dashboard
The Grant Manager Dashboard displays grant data, which is tailored to the Grant Manager logged into Workday. This gives Grant Managers a central place to find grant-related content that is specific to them.
This dashboard splits data across six tabs—Sponsored Grants, Awards, Stand Alone Grants, Gifts, Sponsored Grant Staffing, and Additional Resources.
For more information, including instructions on how to use the tool, refer to the Grant Manager Dashboard Job Aid.
Note: If working offsite, you must connect to Husky OnNet (VPN) to access the above link. For more information, refer to Husky OnNet.
About the Enhancements
Note: A one-time configuration is required in order to use the following enhancements. For more information, refer to the Grant Manager Dashboard Job Aid.
The Sponsored Grants tab now uses flags to highlight grants with an Award Line Lifecycle Status of Closeout in Progress or Expired. Hovering over these flags reveals recommended next steps.
Supplier Invoices in Progress Report
Grant Managers can now identify invoices that require their attention by clicking the down arrow next to a value in the Life to Date Spend column and selecting the Supplier Invoices in Progress link.
This displays a report of invoices in In Progress or Draft status for the selected grant(s). Monitoring these invoices is especially important for grants in Closeout in Progress or Expired status, as they should not have open supplier invoices.
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