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Complying with Federal Grant Reporting Requirements: The New SF425 Report

January 2, 2024
As of 12/29/23, the BI Portal now includes Release 1 of the SF425 report! This report allows Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA) to pull data from Workday into the SF425 Federal Financial Report, which is required to report on a grant’s cumulative expenses. This report was developed in collaboration between the BI Portal and DATAGroup teams. Check out the SF425 report in the BI Portal to learn more!

Why is the SF425 report a big deal?

For Release 1, the report pulls data for any reporting period that ends on 7/1/23 or later and displays the results within the SF425 form, in the correct format. This saves users significant time and reduces the potential for error.

Note: As with other new financial reports, this report will follow an iterative development process and planning for Release 2 is already underway.

How will GCA use the report?

This report is expected to streamline SF425 reporting for GCA as follows:
  1. Enter the criteria into the prompts provided.
    Screenshot of sample criteria for the SF425 report in the BI Portal.
    Sample Report Criteria for the SF425 Report in the BI Portal


  2. Review the results, which are properly formatted for the SF425 form.
    Screenshot of sample results for the SF425 report in the BI Portal.
    Sample Results for the SF425 Report in the BI Portal


  3. If the results are correct, submit the form.


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