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Windows 10 1709/Fall Creators Update is now our Baseline OS

November 27, 2017

We’ve moved Windows 10 1709, also known as the Fall Creators Update, to Baseline and will start upgrading Windows 10 computers running an older version this week.

What and when

Over the next several weeks, we will be upgrading all computers running Windows 10 to version 1709, which is also known as the Fall Creators Update.  We are moving to this version ahead of the normal schedule, to enable new security functionality.  This upgrade is mandatory.

The upgrade will be done automatically in the evenings, requires no user interaction, and will not impact any user settings or files.  The upgrades will mostly run on the weekends, but if a computer is not on, the upgrade will not start on Monday morning.

While we cannot provide a specific date of when any given computer will be upgraded, individual users can choose to start the process any time using the ‘Software Center’ or via the shortcut on their desktop..

What you need to do

There is no action required.

If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to and with ‘MWS – 1709 Upgrade’ in the subject line.