Backup retention period adjustment for deleted files
The Managed Workstation Service plans to align its retention practices for deleted files with a newly approved UW reference architecture practice; deleted files will not persist in backups beyond 90 days.
What and When
In concert with the supplier which provides the infrastructure for Nebula File services, we plan to implement changes to our backup retention. We will implement this change over the coming weeks.
We will retain deleted files in Nebula File services no longer than 90 days. Files which still exist may have prior versions available for a longer period. To be available for restore, a file must have been backed up previously.
What you need to do
Nothing. This announcement is purely advisory so you are aware of a change in our practice. If you do regularly delete files stored in Nebula File Services, but have previously counted on the fact that we retain those files for a longer period, you may want to implement a practice of reviewing for accidentally deleted content on a recurring schedule shorter than 90 days.
More Info
Information about using Nebula File Services is available at
This specific practice is documented at, along with details about the self-service way to recover files in Nebula File Services and our backup practices.
If you have questions about this planned change, please send an email to with “MWS backup retention for deleted files” in the subject.
Brian Arkills
Managed Workstation Service Owner