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Temporary eligibility groups for departments which haven’t provided one

July 6, 2015

Back on 5/7, Nebula first asked that every department provide an eligibility group to update our records so we can accurately grant access and bill only for your current users. Many departments haven’t yet been able to provide an eligibility group. This has blocked our ability to purge old users, even for those departments that have provided an eligibility group. So Nebula is taking action on some department’s behalf to enable the service to move forward by creating temporary eligibility groups.


What and When:

This week we’ll be creating a temporary eligibility group for those Nebula departments which haven’t provided one to us yet. Initial membership for this temporary eligibility group will be based on our existing user department data at the point the group is created.


What you need to do:

When your department is ready to provide and assume management of an eligibility group of your Nebula users, we can rename and assign administration of the temporary eligibility group to you. Until that point, the membership and management of that temporary eligibility group will be frozen. Just send in a request when you are ready to do that.


Alternatively, you can also supply your own eligibility group and override the temporary eligibility group we’ve created. In that case, our temporary eligibility group will go away. If you’d like to provide your own eligibility group for your department, contacts for Nebula departments should visit to supply that information. steps you through the process, if you need additional help.


If you are in the process of creating and populating your eligibility group, you’ll know we’ve created a temporary one if you see the field populated when you visit Feel free to override the value if that’s the case. J


More info:

Creating these temporary eligibility groups will allow Nebula to move forward on purging a large set of old users. This purge won’t be as complete as it could be with department provided eligibility groups from every department, but it will meet the service needs.