Managed Workstation Services News
November 10, 2014
Nebula Fall Brown Bag
Thanks to those who joined us for the Nebula Fall Brown Bag! Brian Arkills was there; Brian is the new Service Manager, responsible for managing the service and its quality (Rebecca still manages the team that delivers the service). Brian talked about: Better communications to customers for more timely information, including semi-annual newsletters. Migration to NETID logins -- this is needed to deploy better back-end tools. It will also allow for multi-factor authentication for those clients that need more security. We are happy to help, no charge; let us know when you are ready. Windows 10 is coming - we...
July 2, 2014
Changes to Nebula Support Request
The familiar Nebula Support Request program is getting a makeover. It will now take you to a web form which will send your mail to the Nebula Support team as always. Old: New: This change will be coming soon to your desktop. If you have questions, please let us know. Thank you.
April 9, 2014
All XP systems were removed from the Nebula domain
Per Microsoft's announcement, it will stop supplying fixes and security patches to Windows XP as of April 8, 2014. Here is the timeline for the Nebula Managed Desktop Service and Windows XP: 12/31/13: target for Windows XP systems to be retired or replaced within the Nebula domain. 01/01/14: Nebula software packages no longer developed for or tested on Windows XP. 04/08/14: XP computers are removed from the Nebula domain, with notice to managedBy contacts. If you have a computer running Windows XP that you wish to continue using in the Nebula domain, you may request an exception no later than...
March 31, 2014
Nebula Technical Contacts Group Spring Meeting, 2014
Nebula Technical Contacts Spring 2014 Meeting