eSignatures News
August 19, 2024
User Invitation and Activation Process – Available Now
The user experience and functionality for inviting a user to create an account has been updated with the following changes: New functionality allowing users to accept or decline invitations sent by the Delegated Administrator to join an account. If the user declines the invitation, they see the new Declined Invitation page. After this, the user will not be able to re-access the invitation link sent in their email. When a user accepts the invitation to join an organization, they will be able to proceed to log in with their UW NetID. Delegated Administrators can send an access code to the user...
May 10, 2024
eSignatures (DocuSign) User Interface Changes – May 2024
DocuSign recently announced changes and enhancements that will gradually be rolled out to Production in May 2024. All changes and enhancements are available in the Sandbox environment. Changes to Global Header Tabs Renaming of Manage to Agreements Removal of the Transactions and Forms tabs New Transactions can be started from the home page or found under the Agreements tab. Forms has been renamed to Web Forms and can be found under the Templates tab. View of home page with updated global header tabs. Transactions can now be started from the home page. Transactions can also be started under the Agreements...
Read eSignatures (DocuSign) User Interface Changes – May 2024
May 9, 2024
eSignatures (DocuSign): Disabling Envelope Removal Notification Emails
eSignatures (DocuSign) Updates Update: Options for disabling DocuSign envelope removal notifications What’s happening? As was announced last fall, the eSignatures service is rolling out a retention period for aging envelopes in all of our departmental DocuSign accounts. As part of this process, DocuSign sends a notification email to provide an opportunity for anyone who was party to the envelope to retrieve it before it is removed from the system. They will most often look like this: [caption id="attachment_169752" align="alignnone" width="469"] Figure 1: Notification for Document Removal from DocuSign System[/caption] What are my options? If you want to be reminded before...
Read eSignatures (DocuSign): Disabling Envelope Removal Notification Emails
November 13, 2023
What’s Changing in DocuSign
eSignatures Updates Update: Removal of aging envelopes in DocuSign to begin November 2023 What’s happening? The eSignatures service team has begun implementing procedures to guarantee the removal of aging envelopes in DocuSign. This work is expected to begin the week of November 27th. We will be reaching out to the account Delegated Administrators with more details when we are ready to begin working on each department’s account. For more information about why this change is occurring, see below. What do I need to do? If you have sent envelopes using DocuSign, now is a great time to start working with...
August 10, 2023
**NEW OFFER: eSignatures Service Office Hours
eSignatures Service team is happy to announce that beginning 8/18/2023, we will be opening eSignatures Service Office Hours session every first and third Friday of each month from 11:00am to 12:00pm to answer your questions about DocuSign at the University of Washington. The information on how to join this session is posted on eSignatures Service Office Hours and will be regularly updated with upcoming sessions’ dates and times in the Support section. If you already have specific questions you would like to ask, please submit them ahead of time to eSignatures Help with the subject line "eSignatures Office Hours". We look forward to...
March 29, 2023
Welcome to eSignatures News
Welcome! On this site we will share the latest updates in DocuSign releases as well as changes to the eSignatures service that we’re making here at the UW. We will highlight areas of interest based on customer input and improvements implemented by our team. We’re looking forward to sharing more with you soon! We’ve received several questions recently about the use of Shared NetIDs for a team’s workflow. While there are cases where these can be used, careful consideration is needed to evaluate the risk of doing so. In the course of discussing use cases with our customers, we often...