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April 3, 2020

RPG Release: Updated Instructor Title on Time Schedule Information

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the Time Schedule Information report. Run the report to see for yourself! Change Summary: A user requested that we update the “Instructor Title” field on the report. They told us the data was often sparse and didn't allow them to meaningfully group Instructors based on title. We replaced the Workday “Job Title Abbreviation” with the Workday “Business Title” in the report. Here’s an example of the differences: Before the Update: After the update: Please Note: The Title displayed in the report is the Instructor's current Business Title...

Read RPG Release: Updated Instructor Title on Time Schedule Information

March 26, 2020

RPG Release: Registration Hold Information Now on Student Degree Info Report

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the Student Degree Information report. Run the report to see for yourself! Change Summary: Based on a user request, the report now includes Registration Hold Details. The primary use for this information is to allow advisers and others to look at students who have applied to graduate in a future quarter, but currently have a registration hold. Columns to Display This filter now includes a "Reg Hold" option. When a user selects Reg Hold, the report now displays three new columns. New Columns: Reg Hold: This column...

Read RPG Release: Registration Hold Information Now on Student Degree Info Report

March 10, 2020

RPG Release: Current Student Information – Bug Resolved

Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released a bug fix to the BI Portal report Current Student Information. Change Summary: Due to an error in the logic, the report was inadvertently excluding 14 minors from the Major/Minor dropdown. This problem was reported by users via and resolved in a recent release. The dropdown now includes a complete list of UW Majors and Minors. A Few Reminders: This report displays a population of students that have enrolled in courses during the current quarter based on the selected major or minor. This report has two key features: Consolidation:...

Read RPG Release: Current Student Information – Bug Resolved

March 9, 2020

RPG Release: Study Abroad Students Bug Resolved

Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released a bug fix to the Study Abroad Students by Unit Report. Change Summary: At the start of a quarter, prior to census day, the report was inadvertently excluding some study abroad students from the report. This problem was identified and resolved in a recent release. Previously, the report sourced from an EDW table that was only updated quarterly, after census day. The report now sources data from a UWSDBDataStore table that updates daily with information from SDB. Questions and Feedback: This report references many concepts like Study Abroad Student...

Read RPG Release: Study Abroad Students Bug Resolved

February 24, 2020

RPG Release: Time Schedule Enrollment by Day and Time Visualization in BI Portal

The Report Prioritization Group released a new visualization to the BI Portal: Time Schedule Enrollment by Day and Time. This tool enables planning by displaying a heat map of current enrollment counts broken down by day and time in order to demonstrate times of high and low campus activity. The analysis tool divides the academic day into 30 minute increments. Student enrollments are counted during a 30 minute period if a course is scheduled during any part of a period. How to Use this Visualization: There are two primary ways to use this analysis tool: Planning an Event: A program...

Read RPG Release: Time Schedule Enrollment by Day and Time Visualization in BI Portal

February 4, 2020

UW Profiles Release: Student Academic Performance Dashboards Updates

In collaboration with the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB), we updated the following three dashboards with new features: Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates Undergraduate Graduation Patterns and Time to Degree Undergraduate Student Persistence and Graduation by Year of Study  Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates Table View: Cohort Retention and Graduation Rates by Cohort Year was improved with the following: Users can select from Primary and Secondary breakdowns. Both breakdowns now include a Military Affiliation dimension. Color highlighting was added to show increasing and decreasing rates from previous cohort years. A “Cohort Year” multi-select filter was added. The “Variation” visualization...

Read UW Profiles Release: Student Academic Performance Dashboards Updates

January 16, 2020

RPG Release: New Current Student Information Report in BI Portal

The Report Prioritization Group released a new report to the BI Portal, Current Student Information. This report consolidates two previous reports: Current Student Information by Major and Current Student Information by Minor. Remember to update your bookmarks to point to the new report location. Report Summary: This report displays a population of students that have enrolled in courses during the current quarter based on the selected major or minor. This report has a couple of key features: Consolidation: You no longer have to access two separate reports to get information on current students by major and minor. The report now...

Read RPG Release: New Current Student Information Report in BI Portal

January 10, 2020

RPG Release: New Filters and Fields on Class List Report

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released several updates to the report Class List By Curriculum Course Section. Run the report to see for yourself! Change Summary: Based on user requests, we made several updates to functionality, including: Selected Qtr Class column: First, some context. When you select "Class" from the Columns to Display dropdown, two Class columns display. "Current Class" is the student's class level for the current quarter "Selected Qtr Class" is the student's class level during the Quarter selected in the "Quarter" filter. Before the update, when you ran the report for future quarters,...

Read RPG Release: New Filters and Fields on Class List Report

January 3, 2020

New Report: General Ledger Transactions by Month

Enterprise Reporting and Analytics has partnered with the DATAgroup in Financial Management to release a new report to the BI Portal: General Ledger Transactions by Month.  Report Summary: This report gives users who are responsible for auditing and reconciling GLs a way to see individual transaction data for a specific GL Account/Fund Code combination by accounting month.  The report sources data from the Enterprise Data Warehouse and refreshes nightly.  What has Changed? If you previously ran this report on the Financial Management site, you might be wondering, “what has changed?” Nothing has changed with the report, only where you go...

Read New Report: General Ledger Transactions by Month

December 26, 2019

Tableau Server Upgraded to Version 2019.4

We have completed the upgrade of the UW Tableau Public, Transitional, and Production servers to Version 2019.4.0. You can read about the new features in the latest version here: Tableau 2019.4 What You Need to Know: Latest Version: If you're ever curious what is the latest server version, you can see for yourself. Follow the steps on our Tableau FAQ Ask Data: If you were previously using Ask Data for your data source, you will need to explicitly enable it as the server default is to have Ask Data disabled.  The process to enable is as follows: Navigate to your...

Read Tableau Server Upgraded to Version 2019.4