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June 9, 2020

UW Profiles Release: Net Price Peer Comparison Dashboard and Peer Data Refresh

In collaboration with the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB), Enterprise Reporting and Analytics just introduced the newest Peer Comparison Dashboard to the UW Profiles: Net Price Story Additionally, in this release we also updated the existing Peer Comparison Dashboards with the latest IPEDS data. Net Price: The Higher Education Act, as amended (2008), defines institutional net price as 'the average yearly price actually charged to first-time, full-time undergraduate students receiving student aid at an institution of higher education after deducting such aid. Dashboard Summary: The Net Price Story is the latest Peer Comparison Dashboard. Like the other Peer Dashboards, Net...

Read UW Profiles Release: Net Price Peer Comparison Dashboard and Peer Data Refresh

June 8, 2020

RPG Release: Important Updates to All Applications

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released several updates to the BI Portal report, All Applications. Please note: The All Applications report displays data for active applications for admission to UW. Communications to undergraduate applicants should NOT be undertaken without first consulting with the respective admissions office(s). Change Summary: The first version of the All Applications report was released in 2015. Since then, we've gained lots of institutional knowledge about application data, and how it is used by the UW data user community. These updates are really about incorporating that new information, and consistent reporting standards into the...

Read RPG Release: Important Updates to All Applications

June 3, 2020

RPG Release: Course Section Comments Added to Time Schedule Information

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released updates to the BI Portal report, Time Schedule Information. Change Summary: Based on user requests, The Time Schedule Information report now includes Section Comments: In the Columns to Display filter, select "Section Comments", and the section comments will display in the report. The column displays the section comments from the Time Schedule construction tool. You can now review section comments in bulk for accuracy and detail using the report. Other Important Updates: RPG has invested a lot of effort into updates to the Time Schedule Information Report. Here's a Recap: RPG...

Read RPG Release: Course Section Comments Added to Time Schedule Information

June 2, 2020

UW Tableau Server Infrastructure Upgrade

In the coming days the UW Tableau Team will upgrade the underlying hardware that supports the UW Tableau Server, We expect this migration to have a low impact on users of the Transitional and Production Tableau sites, but for transparency, we want to share some specific details about the work, and request your help! Why Upgrade? The current UW Tableau Server hardware is approaching the end of its warranty period. Operating on out-of-warranty hardware poses a risk to UW Tableau users, so we are planning to replace the hardware. Additionally, the outdated server hardware doesn’t allow us to update...

Read UW Tableau Server Infrastructure Upgrade

May 28, 2020

RPG New Report Release: Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

The Report Prioritization Group just released the newest addition to the BI Portal: Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major In this news story we explain the purpose and benefits of the new report. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line. What's In a Name? We admit, the report has a long name, Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major. But each word explains something about the report's function. Undergraduate: This report is based on the same underlying population and data in...

Read RPG New Report Release: Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

May 27, 2020

RPG Release: Current Student Information – Population and Filter Updates

Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released several important and timely updates to the BI Portal report Current Student Information. Change Summary: This release includes 3 important changes to the Current Student Information Report: "Current Student" Population: The report population in the previous version of the report included registered students as well as new confirmed applicants. Based on feedback from users we determined that these new confirmed applicants did not meet the criteria for "Current Students". We updated the report population to only include students with registration records for the user-selected quarter. The only students with registrations...

Read RPG Release: Current Student Information – Population and Filter Updates

May 11, 2020

UW Profiles Release: Cost of Attendance Peer Comparison Dashboard

In collaboration with the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB), Enterprise Reporting and Analytics just introduced the newest Peer Comparison Dashboard to the UW Profiles: Cost of Attendance Story Dashboard Summary: The Cost of Attendance Story is the latest Peer Comparison Dashboard. Like the other Peer Dashboards, Cost of Attendance sources data from IPEDS. Also like the other Peer Dashboards, the Cost of Attendance Story allows you to compare UW's Cost of Attendance to a variety of Peers. The Peer Group dropdown gives you the flexibility to choose the peer group you want to see: As a Tableau Story, the...

Read UW Profiles Release: Cost of Attendance Peer Comparison Dashboard

May 7, 2020

UW Profiles Release: Bug Fix in Graduation/Retention Data Model

Based on user feedback, we released an update to the UW Profiles Graduation/Retention Data Model to resolve a bug. The issue and resolution are described in the Change Summary Below. This update affects the following UW Profiles dashboards: Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates Change Summary: The issue in the data model was that for the spring  cohort, the 1 Qtr Retention rate displayed on the UG Retention and Graduation Rates dashboard was incorrectly showing the rate based on summer quarter enrollment, not fall quarter enrollment. This resulted in incorrect 1 Qtr Retention rates displaying in the dashboard (i.e. a 1...

Read UW Profiles Release: Bug Fix in Graduation/Retention Data Model

April 15, 2020

RPG Release: Student Grade Report by Major (Bug Fix)

In response to user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to resolve a bug in the Student Grade Report by Major in the BI Portal. Change Summary: A user reported that the Course Grade Filter was incorrectly filtering out students. We identified and resolved the problem in the report's query. Now when you use the Course Grade Filter, the report filters down to only the grades of students that meet the filter criteria. Consider the following scenario: The student Potter, Harry completed three courses, and received three grades: 3.8, 3.9, 0.9 Harry's adviser runs the report to see...

Read RPG Release: Student Grade Report by Major (Bug Fix)

April 15, 2020

The Newest Addition to the EDW: Time Travel with dimTime

If you work with time data, a new reference table in the EDW makes it easier than ever to manipulate time in your SQL query. What is it? The new dimTime table has a row for each minute of the day for a total of 1,440 records. Each "minute record" has details including: a minute key a cleaned up and normalized minute field the minute record rounded up or down the quarter-hour, half-hour, and hour AM/PM Indicators See for yourself: --Server: DECLARE @startTime time = '11:19' SELECT timekey , StandardTime , RoundDownQtrHour , RoundUpQtrHour , RoundDownHalfHour , RoundUpHalfHour ,...

Read The Newest Addition to the EDW: Time Travel with dimTime