Reports and Analytics News
November 13, 2020
Salary and Wage Expense Bug Fix: Missing Current Fiscal Year
In response to user feedback, the Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update to resolve a bug in the Salary and Wage Expense Detail report in the BI Portal. Change Summary: A user reported that the "Year" filter was excluding the current Fiscal Year (2021). By default, the report filters by Calendar Year, but you can filter by Fiscal Year by choosing "Fiscal Year" from the "Period" Filter. This is what the filter options looked by before the update: And after the update. You can now select the current Fiscal Year! Additional Resources: It can sometimes be confusing...
Read Salary and Wage Expense Bug Fix: Missing Current Fiscal Year
November 2, 2020
RPG Release: Student Degree Information (Duplication Bug Fix)
In response to user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to resolve a bug in the Student Degree Information report the BI Portal. Change Summary: A user let us know that the report was incorrectly duplicating students. We identified the issue and determined that the report was displaying multiple identical rows for students that had multiple applications to UW. We resolved this so that the report no longer duplicates rows for students with multiple UW applications. Please note, the report does intentionally display multiple rows for students in other cases, such as: When a user chooses multiple...
Read RPG Release: Student Degree Information (Duplication Bug Fix)
October 15, 2020
Knowledge Navigator Expands Meta Tag Feature
The meta tag feature in Knowledge Navigator (KN) has been expanded to provide one more tool to help you search for categorized metadata objects. What are meta tags? Just like the categories on a blog or keywords in a search tool, meta tags help you find all content that is related by that category or keyword. Where do I find meta tags in Knowledge Navigator? Meta tags are shown under the search field on KN’s home page next to the words “Quick Search.” Meta tags can also be found under Details > Meta Tags: on a metadata object’s page....
October 1, 2020
New Tableau License Model and Price
As of July 1st, 2020, Tableau Prep is no longer available for free with your Tableau Desktop license. Tableau bundled Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep into a new license type - Tableau Creator. This license type is a month-to-month, subscription-based model. This change in the licensing model impacts only the purchase of a new Tableau license. What is different about the new licensing model vs. the current model? New licenses do not have the initial $1,200 license fee. The new annual cost for Tableau Desktop (Creator) will be 52 per month (not the current rate of $35 per month) Who...
September 22, 2020
RPG Release: UW Admissions Cube Now Available!
The day you've been waiting for is finally here -- the UW Admissions cube is now available. This story will prepare you to confidently connect to and analyze historical admissions data! Connect to the Cube: Unlike a report which you can run in the browser, you have to connect to a cube with an analysis tool (like Excel or Tableau). Why bury the lede? Here's how you can connect to the cube with Excel 2016 and begin analyzing UW Admissions data: First, open up a new Excel workbook. Then, on the top header, go to Data, click Get External Data,...
August 19, 2020
RPG Release: AP/IB Credit on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
The Report Prioritization Group just released several enhancements to the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line. Change Summary: In this section we reference several key concepts. For more on these concepts, explore Knowledge Navigator: Student Major Pending Major Extension Credit Based on user feedback, we updated the report in the following ways: Credit for AP/IB and other Extension Credit:...
Read RPG Release: AP/IB Credit on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
August 17, 2020
8 Things You Should Know About Our BI Portal Report Format Updates
We are currently implementing report formatting changes across all reports in the BI Portal. This story summarizes those changes and shares some important updates. 1. What Is Changing? We are updating all of our existing reports to align with a new, clean, consistent, and UW-branded format. See for yourself: This new report format has many benefits: Consistency: A consistent look and feel that aligns with UW branding across all reports. Modern: A clean, updated, and modern interface. There are now fewer extra elements clogging up your browser. Simplified: Fewer elements means it is easier for us to maintain. This means...
Read 8 Things You Should Know About Our BI Portal Report Format Updates
August 4, 2020
Improving Analysis with the Latest UW Tableau Upgrade
The recent upgrade of the UW Tableau Servers brings many new benefits to UW Tableau users. Whether you have a Tableau development license or not, the latest upgrade brings you many new features! Click below to read more: For Developers For Everyone For Tableau Developers: Better Publishing and Development If you’re an existing or aspiring Tableau developer, your publishing and development just got a little bit easier with the latest features from Tableau. Explore key feature updates for Tableau Software Version 2020.2. Relationships • Metrics • Dynamic Parameters • Viz Animations Data Source Relationships - Structure Tableau data sources using...
June 23, 2020
RPG Release: Two Enhancements to UG Transcript Course Search by Major
The Report Prioritization Group just released two enhancements to the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line. Change Summary: Based on user feedback, we updated the Course Filter in the following ways: Updated Course Filter Dropdown List: Previously, the course filter dropdown only displayed courses offered in the user-selected quarter. We updated the dropdown to display all courses offered by...
Read RPG Release: Two Enhancements to UG Transcript Course Search by Major
June 11, 2020
RPG Release: Start and End Quarters on Minor Codes Report
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released updates to the BI Portal report, Minor Codes. Change Summary: Based on user requests, the Minor Codes report was simplified to reduce confusion. Now when you run the report for a department, it displays all Minors managed by the department, active and discontinued. We made the following updates: Filter Update: The "Include Only Active Codes" button was causing confusion because a minor can be "active" but have an end quarter that is in the future. We removed the "Include Only Active Codes" radio button altogether to reduce confusion. Column Updates: In...
Read RPG Release: Start and End Quarters on Minor Codes Report