Reports and Analytics News
February 24, 2021
BI Portal Update: New Filters on Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary
The Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update that combines two BI Portal Finance reports: Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary by OrgCode and Funding Source Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary by OrgCode and Function Into one report, now called Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary Why Should You Care? If you use the Org Code and Funding Source report you'll notice it now has new filters and a new (shorter) name! If you use the OrgCode and Function report, you should now use the updated report (Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary). Please note:...
Read BI Portal Update: New Filters on Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary
February 22, 2021
How To: Finance Date Functions in EDW
Do you ever get tired of building complicated date logic in your EDW queries? The EDW now supports several finance date functions to help you simplify your queries! These functions help enterprise data users to easily convert calendar dates, months, and years to UW fiscal calendar objects. These functions are most helpful to SQL developers working on reports and visualizations that use fiscal calendar parameters/variables. Context: In SQL, a function is a program that takes some input and generates a value. SQL has many built-in functions that you get out-of-the-box. For example, one of the built-in system functions is GETDATE(). ...
February 12, 2021
Financial Activity 2019 Cube Update: New Attributes on Finance Cube
Based on input from users, we just published updates to the Financial Activity Biennium 2019 cube (finance cube). We added several new attributes to the cube that make it easier to get the finance data you need to do your work. In addition to the cube changes, we also want you to know about some other great content we recently published! Data Definitions: Finance cube data definitions are now in Knowledge Navigator Training/Help Videos: We recently published a suite of videos to help you answer several common use cases with the finance cube. Check out our Finance Data Cube Resources...
Read Financial Activity 2019 Cube Update: New Attributes on Finance Cube
February 10, 2021
RPG Release: Student Groups on Satisfactory Progress Policy Report
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the report: Satisfactory Progress Policy List The report now allows you to filter down to specific SDB Student Groups! This helps users answer the question, "are any students in a group I care about currently or projected to be in danger of producing unsatisfactory progress?" Please note, in order to align with BI Portal naming standards, in this release we also updated the report's BI Portal title: From: Satisfactory Progress Policy Report To: Satisfactory Progress Policy List Background: The SDB includes a feature called "Student Groups". The...
Read RPG Release: Student Groups on Satisfactory Progress Policy Report
February 1, 2021
RPG Release: Degree Info now on Class List Report
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the report: Class List By Curriculum Course Section. The report now includes student degree information. Background: Advisers requested the ability to see student "degree information" fields on the report. The report still allows you to filter down to a specific quarter and course and get a list of students enrolled in the course, but the degree info now allows you to also see: If a student took a course in the past, did they graduate? If so, what degree were they granted? If a student is enrolled...
January 28, 2021
RPG Release: New Filter and Fields on Major Codes
The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released new changes to the BI Portal report Major Codes. Change Summary: Based on feedback from the Graduate School and RPG, we updated the Major Codes filters and columns in the following ways: Filter Updates We added a new filter "Degree Level" to the report: The new filter allows you to restrict the report dataset to only the degree levels you want to see, like Bachelor or Professional. New Columns We also added several new columns: Degree Title: This column displays the full title for the Degree associated with the Major. Funding Type: This...
December 21, 2020
RPG Release: Now Identify “Audits” and “Registrar Drop” in Student Grade Reports
In response to user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released enhancements to two BI Portal reports: Student Grade Report by Major Student Grade Report by Curriculum, Course and Section This release is timed to help advisers and faculty support Autumn 2020 grading. Change Summary: This release is intended to help users identify or filter in/out students who either took a course as an auditor or were granted an RD (registrar drop). We made the following changes: Added "RD" to the course grade filter and grade column Added "AUD" as a course grade filter and grade column In the previous...
Read RPG Release: Now Identify “Audits” and “Registrar Drop” in Student Grade Reports
December 9, 2020
RPG Release: Bug Fix on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
The Report Prioritization Group just released a bug fix on the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line. Change Summary: Based on user feedback, we resolved an issue in the report logic that was causing students that are registered for a selected course to display as "N" or not registered: For a selected course, show me my majors that are...
Read RPG Release: Bug Fix on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
November 24, 2020
RPG Release: Enhancements to Major Codes Report
The Report Prioritization Group just released two enhancements to the BI Portal report Major Codes. This report helps advisers complete the change of major process, and these updates were designed to make it easier to find the info you need to complete the new Docusign web form: Change of Major Forms This update was requested by a UW adviser and several advisers contributed feedback to the update. Thank you for your help! Change Summary: Based on user feedback, we updated the Major Codes filters and columns in the following ways: Filter Updates Here's the filter before: In the old version...
November 17, 2020
RPG New Visualization Release: Undergraduate Major Comparisons by Quarter
The Report Prioritization Group just released the newest addition to the BI Portal: Undergraduate Major Comparison by Quarter In this news story we explain the purpose and benefits of the new visualization. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Major Comparisons by Quarter” in the subject line. It's All in the Name! We admit, the visualization has a long name, Undergraduate Major Comparisons by Quarter. But each word explains something about the tool's function. Undergraduate Major: This report allows you to see a population of Undergraduates associated with a...
Read RPG New Visualization Release: Undergraduate Major Comparisons by Quarter