Reports and Analytics News
October 28, 2021
BI Portal New Release: Notify Course Section Demand by Student Major
Available Now: New Dashboard Helps You Help Students The Notify Course Section Demand by Student Major dashboard is now available on the BI Portal. Built through the collaboration of the Report Prioritization Group (RPG), the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) team, and the Enterprise Reporting Analytics (ERA) team, this new Tableau visualization is where student advisers and coordinators can use data to see which courses are in high demand. What is it? The dashboard for the Notify Course Section Demand by Student Major is a Tableau visualization that displays data related to students who have signed up to receive notifications...
Read BI Portal New Release: Notify Course Section Demand by Student Major
October 26, 2021
Coming December 1: Tableau License Fee Change
UW-IT’s current licensing fees for Tableau Desktop have not changed since 2013. Over the course of the last eight years, Tableau’s additional offerings and subscription-based model have made it necessary for UW-IT to apply an increase to this service. The fees listed below will become effective on December 1, 2021. What’s changing? Tableau Desktop License (No Tableau Prep)* New fee: $40/month (current fee: $35/month) Tableau Creator License (Tableau Desktop + Prep) New fee: $60/month (current fee: $52/month) Please be sure to notify your department’s budget administrator of this change. Since Tableau licenses renew automatically, let your budget administrator know this...
September 29, 2021
Infrastructure Upgrade and Access Change for Added Data Security
The Business Intelligence (BI) team in UW-IT Enterprise Reporting and Analytics (ERA) is completing an infrastructure upgrade. If you use reports available through BI Portal or if you partner with our team to support data tools on the BI Portal, you need to know about some of the changes we've made and how they may impact your work. 1. Increased Security for Reports Starting on October 6, to increase security, access to the ERA report server and all reports available through the BI Portal ( will require you to be physically on campus or connect to UW’s network via a...
Read Infrastructure Upgrade and Access Change for Added Data Security
September 22, 2021
Release: BI Cubes Infrastructure Upgrade Saves you Time and Frustration!
UPDATE: The Business Intelligence (BI) team in UW-IT Enterprise Reporting and Analytics (ERA) has completed our cubes infrastructure upgrade. Here is what you need to know: Now when you connect to "" you can access the following cubes: Financial Activity 2007-2021 ResearchAdminData UW Spend UW Admissions BI Usage We will be retiring our old cubes in October; currently they can still be accessed on server. If you connect to and query data cubes, or work on a team that partners with the BI Team to support cubes on the BI Portal, the latest upgrade brings you many benefits! Click...
Read Release: BI Cubes Infrastructure Upgrade Saves you Time and Frustration!
July 14, 2021
UW Spend Cube Now Available
The UW Spend cube is now available. This story will prepare you to connect to and analyze UW Spend data! Jump to a section to learn more: What is the UW Spend Cube? Who should use it? How to connect to the UW Spend Cube How to learn more What is the UW Spend Cube? The UW Spend cube is a powerful and flexible data and reporting tool that helps you easily access and analyze UW Spend data. Beginning in Summer 2020, the UW-IT Business Intelligence Team partnered with the Finance DATAGroup to prototype, build, and publish the "UW Spend...
June 29, 2021
RPG Release: Student Grade Reports – Missing “W” Grades Bug Resolved
The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released bug fixes on these BI Portal reports: Student Grade Report by Curriculum, Course and Section Student Grade Report by Major In this news story we provide a summary of the changes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: Student Grade report” in the subject line. Change Summary: A user of the student grade report let us know that the two reports were excluding students that received a “W” grade. When they ran the report and chose “W” from the Course Grade Filter, the...
Read RPG Release: Student Grade Reports – Missing “W” Grades Bug Resolved
April 27, 2021
BI Portal Finance Report Changes: Budget Group Code Update
Enterprise Reporting and Analytics just released an update that affects several finance reports in the BI Portal. Here is a summary of the changes and their impact to finance report users. This work was completed in partnership with the Enterprise Data Warehouse team in UW-IT and the DATAGroup in UW Finance. What has Changed? We've updated the categories for the Budget Group Codes (Funding Sources) for several BI Portal Finance reports (see list below). These updated categories better reflect the consensus view of budget group code groupings in use today. Specifically, some budgets that have historically been classified as 'Grants...
Read BI Portal Finance Report Changes: Budget Group Code Update
March 31, 2021
RPG Release: Filter Bug Fix on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released a bug fix on the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line. Change Summary: The report was not working correctly when a user selected more than one course from the Course Number filter. Even if a user selected multiple courses, the report only ran for 1 course. This issue is now resolved! By...
Read RPG Release: Filter Bug Fix on UG Transcript Course Search by Major
March 26, 2021
RPG New Report Release: Academic Scholarship List
The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released the newest addition to the BI Portal: Academic Scholarship List In this news story we explain the purpose and benefits of the new report. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: Academic Scholarship List” in the subject line. Meaning and Purpose The new report evolved from a very specific purpose to a more general-use tool for the entire tri-campus academic user community! RPG heard this request: "Will you please build us a report that will help us identify undergraduate students on visas that...
March 4, 2021
BI Portal Update: Consolidated Budget Status Reports
Update (5/26/2021): This work is complete and now the following reports are no longer available on the BI Portal: Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu and Consolidated Budget Status Report by MyFinancialDesktop Static Budget List. The Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update to the BI Portal Consolidated Budget Status reports. This update contributes to our goal of preparing for Finance Transformation by simplifying and consolidating reports in our BI Portal report catalog. There are three Budget Status reports currently accessed from the Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu in the BI Portal. The updates described below apply to these 3...