Reports and Analytics News
October 4, 2022
Knowledge Navigator: Summer Quarter 2022 Metadata Update
UW Metadata Manager, Keith A. Van Eaton, from Information Management’s Enterprise Reporting & Analytics team, has added or updated metadata objects in Knowledge Navigator. In their ongoing partnership, the UW’s data domain stewards, subject matter experts, and metadata manager ensure metadata objects are vetted and approved so that UW data users have a common understanding around UW data. New terms added 13 UW Workday Terms 5 Academic Terms New structured objects or reports added 1 Enterprise Report 2 Enterprise Dashboards 1 HRP Web Service 1 table & 18 columns UWSDBDataStore database 48 tables & 614 columns UWODS database 5 tables...
Read Knowledge Navigator: Summer Quarter 2022 Metadata Update
July 29, 2022
UW Finance Cube undergoes redesign
We’re happy to announce the release of the newly redesigned UW Finance Cube, formerly known as the Financial Activity Cube. Kicked off in August 2021, the project is now completed and ready for use. Developers and testers across UWFT (UW Finance Transformation) and UW-IT ERA (Enterprise Reporting and Analytics) collaborated closely with users to update the schema, making it easier to maintain, and making it more intuitive for finance users at all levels. The current Financial Activity Cube will no longer be available after October 30th. Please read on to learn: What is the UW Finance Cube? Why was it...
July 20, 2022
A consolidated, redesigned BI Portal launched on June 27
With a new interface and backend code base, UW-IT Information Management’s Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team has concluded over two years of work to consolidate and redesign two separate portals — BI Portal and UW Profiles. The main objectives of consolidating these two portals were to improve the customer experience and reduce the overall cost of running two separate infrastructures. The new BI Portal user experience enhancements include: Improved search capability Logical grouping of BI products (reports, cubes, dashboard) by tagging Simpler user interface Future integration of report catalogs from external platforms, like Workday Faster time to deliver new reports...
Read A consolidated, redesigned BI Portal launched on June 27
July 13, 2022
Knowledge Navigator Metadata Update Spring Qtr 2022
UW Metadata Manager, Keith A. Van Eaton, from Information Management’s Enterprise Reporting & Analytics team, has added or updated metadata objects in Knowledge Navigator. In their ongoing partnership, the UW’s data domain stewards, subject matter experts, and metadata manager ensure metadata objects are vetted and approved so that UW data users have a common understanding around UW data. New terms added 16 UW Workday Terms 9 Research Terms 7 Academic Terms New structured objects or reports added 17 Enterprise Dashboards 1 UW Finance Cube 1 UW General Ledger Cube 3 tables & 70 columns EFECSDataStore database 6 tables & 100...
June 28, 2022
New BI Portal is LIVE
Team successfully released the new BI Portal v2 on Monday 6/27. What’s new? New Interface: The BI Portal has a new look but the content is the same, including all the items you had in your “Favorites.”* UW Profiles is now inside the BI Portal: You can navigate to the original dashboards via the Browse by Tags section (shown below) on the home page, then clicking the UW Profiles tile. Where we started In 2013, the BI (Business Intelligence) Portal made its debut. It was created to provide reports, dashboards and cubes for data available in the EDW (Enterprise Data...
May 25, 2022
BI Portal Version 2: BI Portal and UW Profiles redesign and consolidation – release in June!
Current Status: Team approved a release of the BI Portal (version 2) for June, after brief code freeze. User Acceptance testing (UAT) completed User Acceptance Testing was successfully completed on May 23 with only a few reported issues. These issues have been prioritized and will be resolved or added to the queue for future updates. Upcoming code freeze To prepare for the release of the redesigned BI Portal (version 2), we’ll initiate a code freeze on mid to late June, with a release to follow. How will the freeze affect you? During the content freeze, you’ll still continue using the...
Read BI Portal Version 2: BI Portal and UW Profiles redesign and consolidation – release in June!
April 4, 2022
UW Country Names and Codes Report
We are happy to announce that you can now access a UW-approved list of country names and codes in a single report! The UW Country Names and Codes report can be accessed on BI Portal. What is the UW Country Names and Codes report? The University of Washington’s impact is broad and truly global, with projects and partnerships in more than 130 countries, as well as students and alumni who engage in nearly 200 countries. Previously, the country names list used in various units across campus has not been consistent, causing problems when merging data. Over the past several...
February 4, 2022
RPG Release: Updated Departmental GPA calculation on several reports
Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released several important and timely updates to the BI Portal reports: Undergraduates Eligible to Register Student Grade Report by Course Student Grade Report by Major Student Degree Information Current Student Information In this news story, we provide a summary of the changes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: Departmental GPA” in the subject line. Change Summary This release includes 2 major updates: Major Departmental GPA logic has been updated in the following reports. Before the fix, three reports were inconsistently...
Read RPG Release: Updated Departmental GPA calculation on several reports
November 15, 2021
BI Portal: New Report – Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search
Now Available in the BI Portal: Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search report Do you find it difficult to manage research proposals and related awards for one or more specified principal investigators? If you could, would you like to dive deeper into the Principal Investigator (PI) research proposal and award data by a specific Fin Org code? Would your work be easier if you could filter and analyze the PI research proposal and award data by the proposal short or long title containing specific words or phrases? All of this and more are now available in the Enterprise Data Warehouse...
Read BI Portal: New Report – Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search
November 9, 2021
New Look for Workday Reports Catalog
As part of the Report Adoption Project (RAP), we are very pleased to announce a new look and enhanced functionality of the Workday Reports Catalog in UW-IT’s Knowledge Navigator. The Workday Reports Catalog still provides summary information about all available Workday Reports, including: The full name of the report (as found in Workday) A description of the report Details about who can run the report But now you can use several new report filters to quickly search the catalog by: Workday Security Role – for a list of all reports that can be run by HR Partners, HCM Initiate...