Reports and Analytics News
December 24, 2019
RPG Release: New Filters and Fields on Study Abroad Report
In July, we added the Study Abroad Students by Unit Report to the BI Portal. Following that release, we received feedback from many users on how to make the report better. Based on this user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released several updates to the report. Run the report to see for yourself: Study Abroad Students by Unit Report. Change Summary: Based on user requests, we added several new filters to the Study Abroad report. Quarter Filter: The filter allows you to narrow down to specific UW Quarters of interest. Since some study abroad programs span multiple quarters, the...
Read RPG Release: New Filters and Fields on Study Abroad Report
December 3, 2019
UW Profiles Release: Updates to Size of Academic Units and Type of Students Served
Based on user feedback, the UW Profiles team released updates to the Size of Academic Units and Type of Student Served dashboard. Change Summary: Undergraduate Major Status Filter: A new “Undergraduate Major Status” filter was added to allow users to filter Undergraduate students by Declared Major and Pre-Major. This filter allows you to answer new questions like: “how many students have a declared major in our college?” New features: Bars representing Baccalaureate data in the College and Department bar charts are separated into sections for Pre-Declared and Declared Major. Hovering these sections will display a tool tip with data for...
Read UW Profiles Release: Updates to Size of Academic Units and Type of Students Served
December 2, 2019
Archiving Report: 2013 Base Year Paid FTE Report
On November 19, 2019, the ERA Team archived the 2013 Base Year Paid FTE Report due to low usage and outdated information. Archiving: What does that mean? Archiving simply means that we removed this report from the BI Portal, and it will no longer be accessible. The purpose of archiving is to allow our team to reduce the volume of redundant or unnecessary tools that we support, and to focus on building new higher value solutions for you! Replacement: Where can I get this info after the report is archived? You can still access this information by connecting to Research...
November 18, 2019
RPG Release: New Fields Added to Time Schedule Information Report
We recently shared that you can now access Jointly-listed course information in the Time Schedule Report. Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released several more updates to the BI Portal report, Time Schedule Information. Change Summary: Based on user requests, we added several new columns to the Time Schedule report. You can find these fields in the Columns to Display dropdown: Instructor Netid Displays the UW Netid for the instructor(s) associated with this course. Census Major Enrollment Displays total enrollments of major students in a course on census day of the quarter. Census Non-Major Enrollment Displays total...
Read RPG Release: New Fields Added to Time Schedule Information Report
October 29, 2019
RPG Release: Updates to Time Schedule Information report
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released updates to the BI Portal report, Time Schedule Information. Change Summary: The Time Schedule Information report now includes summary and detailed joint course loop information. Joint Course Summary Info: New Filters The following filters have been added to the Columns to Display parameter: Loop Joint Course Flag Loop Current Enrollment Loop Limit / Est Enrollment Loop Joint Limit Loop Joint Courses Joint Course Detail Info: You can now drill down to a subreport that contains detailed course loop info. Look for the column “Loop Jnt Course Flag”, and click the hyperlinked...
Read RPG Release: Updates to Time Schedule Information report
October 24, 2019
RPG: Updates to Student Course Distribution
Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released updates to the BI Portal visualization, Student Course Distribution. Change Summary: This is the first major update to the Course Progress in Major/Student Course Distribution visualization since it was implemented about 3 years ago. The changes discussed below are mostly usability enhancements based on feedback we collected from users. Before After Display: Changed cells from circles to squares Removed Course Names from being displayed vertically on the top of a viz. Course information is now available in the tooltip. Updated the colors to be more intuitive (i.e. gray for “no activity”)...
October 16, 2019
EDW Disaster Recovery Exercise on October 23, 2019
On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. the Enterprise Data Warehouse team will complete our Annual Disaster Recovery Exercise. Because this exercise affects the EDWPUB SQL Server as well as Reporting Services Reports hosted on the BI Portal, your user experience may be impacted in the following ways: System performance issues may occur during this time Potential service disruptions Potential delayed data This exercise has been rescheduled from its original date of October 9, 2019. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Update October 23, 9:22 a.m.: The EDW Annual DR...
October 3, 2019
EDW Disaster Recovery Exercise Rescheduled
Update Oct 9 2019 8:21AM: The EDW DR Exercise previously scheduled for this morning has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. the Enterprise Data Warehouse team will complete our Annual Disaster Recovery Exercise. Because this exercise affects the EDWPUB SQL Server as well as Reporting Services Reports hosted on the BI Portal, your user experience may be impacted in the following ways: System performance issues may occur during this time Potential service disruptions Potential delayed data If you have any questions or concerns, please contact...
October 1, 2019
Report Update: Undergraduate Eligible to Register (Columns to Display, Major/Minor and Intended Major Filters)
The Report Prioritization Group released an update to the Undergraduates Eligible to Register. This post summarizes those changes. Change Summary: UPDATE - Minors When "Default" value is selected in "Columns to Display" filter, Minors columns is displayed in the report. "Minors" is no longer an option in "Columns to Display" filter. The Majors/Minors filter order is consistent with updates to Student Degree Information. NEW - Applied to Graduate A field in the "columns to display" dropdown is added called "Applied to Graduate" When the user selects the "Applied to Graduate" field the report displays a student's year qtr that they...
September 20, 2019
New Report and Data Release: Cost Share Commitments and Contributions
Now Available in the EDW: Cost Share Commitments and Contributions data and report Do you find managing Cost Share with the Unmet Cost Share Report difficult because of the way commitments and contribution details are organized? If you could, would you like to dive deeper into how Cost Share commitments roll up to the Financial Organization at the Dean, Major, Department, and Subdivision levels? Would it make your life easier if you could filter out closed Cost Share Commitments or analyze data by the Award End Date? Thanks to the partnership between Information Management team in UW-IT and Kirsten DeFries,...
Read New Report and Data Release: Cost Share Commitments and Contributions