Enterprise Web Services News
September 27, 2021
IdCardWS Release: New Response Codes added to Card Endpoint
Update (10/20/2021): IdCardWS updates to add new Response Codes are now in production. We are introducing new response codes to the Card Endpoint in IDCardWS. The following is an overview of these changes: Response Code Description Notes 403 Forbidden ID Card is not eligible for requested use 400 Bad Request Request contains unrecognized characters For more detailed information, please see the IdCardWS Card Resource Documentation. When released to Production, these changes will be reflected in the IDCardWS Swagger documentation. Opportunity to Evaluate: These changes are in the IdCardWS EVAL environment and available for you to test. Please go to the IdCardWS...
Read IdCardWS Release: New Response Codes added to Card Endpoint
July 1, 2021
FWS v2 Release 3 is now available
Enterprise Web Services has just released an update for FWS v2 EVAL to support UW Finance Transformation. Change Summary: Several new resources and fields have been added. See FWS v2 R3 Release Notes for details. A new ability to search for specific Cost Centers based upon Cost Center Code. Object Class now has a new structure that better aligns with and describes Object Class values. Ledger Account now has a new data source that better describes Ledger Account values. Ledger Account Summary has been added as its own endpoint. Activity And Event and Activity And Event Hierarchy resources have been changed...
April 19, 2021
HRPWS Release: support for streamline initiative
Update (6/7/2021): HRPWS updates to support the streamline initiative are in production. Over the past year, we have been working on an initiative to streamline how we get HR/Payroll Data from Workday into the Enterprise Data Platform (the portfolio of services including Enterprise Web Services & Events and the Enterprise Data Warehouse). The purpose of this initiative is to transition away from extracting Workday data primarily with files to having a Web Service pull data using Workday-native APIs and Reports as a Service (RaaS). We are currently using this streamline approach to support Finance Transformation with our Financial Web Service (FWS...
April 1, 2021
SpaceWS Release: Support for the new Space Inventory Management System
On March 31, 2021 the source system for Space Web Services (SpaceWS) successfully migrated to a new Space inventory Management System (Invision). In order to support this migration, the Enterprise Web Services team has released an update to SpaceWS which has resulted in some fields changes. The complete list of field changes are available on our Wiki at https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/EBWS/SpaceWS+v1+Source+Change Support: If you would like to learn more about the new Space Inventory Management System, please visit https://facilities.uw.edu/catalog/space-manager or contact uwftech@uw.edu. For SpaceWS service related questions, please reach out to us at spacews-support@uw.edu
Read SpaceWS Release: Support for the new Space Inventory Management System
March 19, 2021
FWS v2 EVAL Release 2 is now available
FWS v2 Release 2 is now deployed in EVAL. Processing has been turned back on and will provide the most current P1.5 data from UW11 Workday Tenant. Check out the Release Notes here for new features, changes, and bug fixes. You can also find a link to our Release Notes and additional resources including a ‘Getting Started Guide’ to support your evaluation on our FWS v2 Support Page. FWS v2 DEV continues to provide current P1.5 data. Note that changes are made on DEV on a daily frequency without notice. We continue to recommend EVAL if you require a more...
March 1, 2021
SpaceWS EVAL Release: Support for migrating to the new Space Inventory Management System
During the last week of March 2021, the Capital and Space Management team will be migrating to a new Space Inventory Management System. We are adapting Space Web Service (SpaceWS) to the source system changes which will result in: Some field type and length changes Some fields will no longer provide any data (We will NOT remove any fields at this time) Change Details: The list of field changes that may impact you are available on our Wiki at https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/EBWS/SpaceWS+v1+Source+Change Opportunity to Evaluate: These changes are in the SpaceWS EVAL environment and available for you to test. Please see https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/spacews/Environments...
Read SpaceWS EVAL Release: Support for migrating to the new Space Inventory Management System
February 4, 2021
FWS v2 is now available in EVAL to support UW Finance Transformation efforts
Updated April 25, 2023 Preparation for UW Finance Transformation The Enterprise Data Platform is working closely with our partners to ensure that our services are in place to support you in your efforts to prepare for UW Finance Transformation (UWFT). If you would like to better understand the current state of the UWFT program, please visit the Finance Transformation home page. If you have not engaged with the Finance Program yet and would like to learn more about how your specific processes may be impacted by UWFT, we encourage you to review the resources on the UWFT Change Network. Financial Web Services v2...
Read FWS v2 is now available in EVAL to support UW Finance Transformation efforts
January 12, 2021
SWS and PWS Release: Support for Pronouns
[content_block slug=identity-uw-pronouns-implementation-status] During the 2020-2021 academic year, UW will introduce a central pronoun option to enable students and other members of the UW community to express what pronouns they go by in their everyday lives. Identity.UW will be central to this implementation by enabling the collection and distribution of pronoun data. Person Web Service (PWS) and Student Web Service (SWS) will be providing pronoun data from Identity.UW for campus systems to consume. Change Details Although pronoun support in Identity.UW is not available in production yet, we have deployed the capability to support pronoun data in SWS and PWS in both...
December 22, 2020
Upcoming SPACE Web Service changes (Schedule Updated)
The Capital and Space Management team is migrating to a new Space Inventory Management System. We are adapting the Space Web Service (SpaceWS) to the source system changes which will result in: Some field type and length changes Some fields will no longer provide any data (We will NOT remove any fields at this time) Deployment schedule and opportunity to evaluate: We have adjusted our schedule in order to coordinate with the updated Space Inventory Management System release schedule. We are now planning to make these changes available in SpaceWS Eval at the end of February 2021 in mid January...