Working together for a better University
Welcome to UW-IT’s A Year in Review 2022 report. UW-IT provides critical technology support to all three campuses, UW medical centers and global research operations. And we collaborate with University partners using technology to advance teaching, learning, innovation and discovery.

Easing their journey to graduation
Helping students navigate their way to graduation requires support from the registrar, software engineers and others along the way.
Building a wall against cybercriminals
Major accomplishments in 2022 are helping the UW build a more secure online environment and reduce the risk from cybercriminals.

Avoiding data traffic bottlenecks
A new, more resilient network infrastructure at the UW ensures a smooth flow of data, even during rush hour.

Win-win for UW research
With strong, centrally managed computational tools and support, the UW holds a winning hand when it comes to grant applications.

A look ahead
Initiatives for 2023 and beyond will support the University’s priorities.

FY 2023 budget
UW-IT carefully manages its budget and is committed to transparency.

A look back
A number of initiatives supported teaching, learning and more over the past year.