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IMPORTANT: Implementation of UW Panopto Lecture Capture Retention Policy begins this June

You are receiving this message because you have created, modified or uploaded at least one recording into Panopto since 2013. 

To comply with the University of Washington’s records retention policies — and to adapt to a new Panopto contract that charges for the number of recordings created, archived and stored — UW Information Technology will begin implementing a retention policy for Panopto recordings in June. 

What do I need to do?

No action is necessary on your part. Starting June 12, 2023, recordings not viewed in the previous 24 months will be archived in Panopto. If needed, you will be able to retrieve and view them. 

However, starting December 18, 2023, recordings created or edited more than five years prior and that have not been viewed in the previous 12 months will be deleted and recordings not viewed in the previous 18 months will be archived.

You can start now to determine which recordings you want to retain and which you want to delete. For those recordings you want to retain for your own or departmental purposes but no longer use, you can download them to your own storage location outside of Panopto. We strongly encourage you to delete recordings you do not need. 

How will the retention policy be implemented?

The retention policy will be implemented in two phases.

Implementation date Content  Action taken Content retrievable?
Phase I:

Begins 6/12/2023

Recordings not viewed in the previous 24 months Archived Yes; allow up to 48 hours
Phase II: 

Begins 12/18/2023

Recordings created or last edited 5 or more years prior and not viewed in the previous 12 months Deleted  Can be retrieved from recycle bin for 90 days
Recordings not viewed in the previous 18 months Archived  Yes; allow up to 48 hours


For more information, see the Panopto Retention Policy FAQs on IT Connect. If you have questions or concerns, please send an email to

The UW Panopto Lecture Capture Team