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Odegaard Learning Commons

Last updated: March 23, 2023
Audience: Students

The Odegaard Learning Commons (OLC) is co-located with other services to provide students, staff, and faculty with a rich set of resources that enhance teaching and learning.

The OLC, with hundreds of workstations, provides access to learning technologies in the heart of the undergraduate library. The computing Help Desk and library reference service are a single point of service, providing “one-stop shopping.” A variety of technology studios are available throughout the Odegaard Learning Commons. The libraries also offer a limited number of computer accessories for check-out from students who bring their own devices.


Odegaard Library


The Odegaard Learning Commons hours are the same as Odegaard Library. A current valid Husky Card is required for entry to use Odegaard Library spaces, including the Learning Commons – more details on the hours page.

Software & Hardware

The Computer Vet

Assistance with software available in the Odegaard Learning Commons is available at the The Computer Vet located next to the second-floor circulation desk. Supported applications include  Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and Apple Final Cut Pro, among many others.

The Computer Vet is a free, help-desk service offered to UW students, faculty, and staff to assist with software problems on personal computers including operating system updates, anti-virus installation and updates, P2P software removal and infected computers blocked from UW network access.

For free, guided instruction on specific applications, plan to attend a free Walk-in Workshop.

Learning Technologies Services

UW Learning Technologies supports the Canvas Learning Management System suite through phone and email. In-person assistance is available in the Learning Technologies’ main office in Odegaard Room 230.


By using the Learning Technologies Spaces, clients agree to abide by all policies. Clients are also expected to know the rules governing the appropriate use of the UW campus network. For more information, please see Knowing the Rules. Misuse or failure to abide by all use policies will result in the loss of privileges. For questions about these policies or the Learning Technologies Spaces, send email to

General Usage Policies

  • The Learning Technologies Spaces are open to all current students, staff, and faculty of the University of Washington with a UW NetID.
  • Clients must abide by the Guidelines for Use of UW Computing and Networking Resources.
  • Academic work takes first priority; recreational use takes lowest priority.
  • Workstations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and cannot be reserved. Clients agree to relocate to other workstations when requested by staff.
  • UW Learning Technologies and the University of Washington are not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items. The lost and found is located at the main staff desk of each facility. Lost and found information can be obtained in person. It will not be released over the phone. Staff will attempt to assist in the recovery of data but cannot guarantee its recovery. The client accepts the risk that data can be irrecoverably lost.


  • Clients may install and use personal hardware on UW equipment, provided the hardware can be installed without disabling security settings on the computers and no damage is done to UW equipment.
  • All connections and configurations must be returned to the previous state after the hardware is removed.
  • Support is not available for personal hardware.


  • Licensed software on the computers may not be copied for any purpose.
  • Clients may install and use personal software on Learning Technologies equipment, provided the software can be installed without disabling security settings on the computers and no damage is done to the equipment.
  • Proof of license must accompany any personal software installed on lab machines.
  • Support is not available for personal software.

Scanning Stations

  • Graphics and scanning stations are for graphics and scanning applications only. Clients needing these resources have priority.

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