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What information will I need?

Last updated: August 16, 2022

While it is not required, it may be  helpful to prepare some information before you start using the tool, as outlined below.

Some information is required for all projects and acquisitions, while other information is only needed for larger or more complex projects or acquisitions.

If you need to take a break from the assessment to determine the answers to certain questions, your place will be saved in your browser’s memory, allowing you to return and finish your work later.

Information asked of all projects and acquisitions:

  • Basic information: Your name, department, and a brief summary about your project or acquisition
  • The business goal or desired outcome
  • Any relevant factors that further motivate your project
  • Basic financial information: How much it will cost, including your department’s labor and ongoing operation costs
  • Scope: How widely it will be used outside your department, and if it requires central administrative resources
  • Oversight level required by the state of Washington, which can be gauged with an external tool

Information that may be needed for larger or more complex projects or acquisitions:

  • Specific financial information, including how much the project investment will be and how much it will cost over five years.
  • A description of how your project or acquisition will impact multiple departments, if applicable.
  • A description of how your project or acquisition will require central administrative IT resources, if applicable.
  • An estimated timeline for your project or acquisition.
  • Some projects may need to fill out a Concept Plan or Investment Plan.