Enterprise data at the UW provides foundational information for many people, systems, and tools at the UW. UW-IT stores, manages, integrates, and delivers this data to drive the research, learning, and work of the UW community. This data is secure, consistent, and can be accessed through the BI Portal (reports, dashboards, cubes), Enterprise Data Warehouse (databases), or Enterprise Web Services (APIs).
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UW Enterprise Data News
IdCardWS Release: New Response Codes added to Card Endpoint
Sep. 27, 2021
Update (10/20/2021): IdCardWS updates to add new Response Codes are now in production. We are introducing new response codes to the Card Endpoint in IDCardWS. The following is an overview of these changes: Response Code Description Notes 403 Forbidden ID Card is…
Release: BI Cubes Infrastructure Upgrade Saves you Time and Frustration!
Sep. 22, 2021
UPDATE: The Business Intelligence (BI) team in UW-IT Enterprise Reporting and Analytics (ERA) has completed our cubes infrastructure upgrade. Here is what you need to know: Now when you connect to “cubes.uw.edu” you can access the following cubes: Financial Activity 2007-2021 ResearchAdminData…
UWSDBDataStore changes for August 9,2021
Jul. 15, 2021
The EDW team will perform housecleaning on the UWSBDataStore on August 9, 2021. This is to make some column names, data types and nullability constraints to be exactly aligned to the source system. Please take note of the changes below which may…