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Dragon NaturallySpeaking Quick Start Guide

Last updated: August 16, 2022

NaturallySpeaking is a speech input program that allows voice control of text input and other computer functions.

Starting NaturallySpeaking

  1. StepsActions
  2. Click the Windows icon in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Click “All Programs.”
  4. Click “Accessible Technology.”
  5. Click “Dragon NaturallySpeaking.”

(Pressing <CTRL> + <ALT> + <N> will also launch NaturallySpeaking.)

Using NaturallySpeaking

Microphone and Profile Preparation:

  1. StepsActions
  2. Put on a headset, positioning the microphone about half an inch from the corner of your mouth. If this is your first time using the program, assistance from ATC staff is highly recommended.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions for profile creation and training. At the end of the training process, a program tour will introduce some of the basic features of NaturallySpeaking.

Basic Use:

To activate voice input, click the microphone icon in the NaturallySpeaking menu, or press <NUM PAD +>. Begin dictating into the NaturallySpeaking window or another application. Note that corrections will not be possible for some programs, such as telnet connections to remote systems.

Making Corrections:

  • If NaturallySpeaking misunderstands what you said, say “correct that” to edit the last spoken item.
  • To correct a specific piece of text, say “correct,” and read the piece of text you want to change. A correction dialog box will appear. There are two ways to make corrections within the box: Choose from the possible corrections listed in the dialog box by saying “Choose,” followed by the number corresponding to the desired correction. Alternately, you can select text in the dialog box and make corrections by typing them or spelling them aloud, letter-by-letter.
  • To erase the most recently dictated word, phrase or sentence, say “scratch that”.

Saving Speech Files:

NaturallySpeaking uses your user speech files to improve its ability to understand your voice. To allow this improvement, you must correct recognition errors when they occur and save your speech files after each session. To save user speech files:

  1. StepsActions
  2. Click on the “User” menu, or say “Click User.”
  3. Click “Save Speech Files,” or say “Click Save Speech Files.” Click the “Yes” button or, say “Click Yes.”

NOTE: Workstations with NaturallySpeaking have a feature that saves your speech file when you log out of the computer, so it isn’t removed on logout like other files are. You can save your profile on a USB flash drive to use the same speech file on other workstations.

Essential Hotkeys:

  • Start NaturallySpeaking: Press <CTRL> + <ALT> + <N>.
  • Toggle Voice Input: Press <NUM PAD +>.

Quitting NaturallySpeaking

Do any of the following:

  • Press <ALT> + <F4> when NaturallySpeaking is the active application.
  • Click the Dragon icon on the far left of the NaturallySpeaking menu and click “Exit Dragon.”
  • Say “Close Dragon,” then click “Yes,” or say “Click Yes.”


For help and tutorials, do any of the following:

  • Click on the “Help” menu in the NaturallySpeaking window.

  • Press <F1> when NaturallySpeaking is the active application.

  • Consult the NaturallySpeaking user manual, located on the ATC manual shelf.
  • Say “Give Me Help.”
  • Consult ATC Staff.