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BI Portal Finance Report Changes: Budget Group Code Update

April 27, 2021

Enterprise Reporting and Analytics just released an update that affects several finance reports in the BI Portal. Here is a summary of the changes and their impact to finance report users.

This work was completed in partnership with the Enterprise Data Warehouse team in UW-IT and the DATAGroup in UW Finance.

What has Changed?

We’ve updated the categories for the Budget Group Codes (Funding Sources) for several BI Portal Finance reports (see list below). These updated categories better reflect the consensus view of budget group code groupings in use today. Specifically, some budgets that have historically been classified as ‘Grants and Contracts’ should be classified as ‘Royalty Revenue’ or ‘Clinical Medicine’, and these budgets are now organized into the correct categories. After reviewing this update with impacted users, we’ve heard that these updated groupings represent an improvement over the old method!

There are no changes to the layout of any of the reports. Everything else will look the same – just some numbers will be showing up in different categories, which we believe is an improvement to the reports.

Here’s an example from the Remaining Balance report:


Observe that “Research Royalty Fund” (RRF) dollars are grouped in the “Grants and Contracts” category.


Following the update, observe that RRF dollars are broken out into their own category separate from “Grants and Contracts”. The Grants and Contracts value is smaller after the update because the money is grouped into a different category. Please note, the total value has not changed!

Which reports are affected?

The following reports display Budget Group Code information and are affected by this update:


This report sources Budget Group Code information from the RPTBudgetGroupFY table in the FinancialSumMart database in the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). If you have questions about this table, please see Knowledge Navigator: RPTBudgetGroupFY

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “BI Portal Question: Budget group codes” (or the specific report name) in the subject line.