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RPG Release: Filter Bug Fix on UG Transcript Course Search by Major

March 31, 2021

The Report Prioritization Group (RPG) just released a bug fix on the BI Portal report Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

In this news story we provide a summary of the change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line.

Change Summary:

The report was not working correctly when a user selected more than one course from the Course Number filter. Even if a user selected multiple courses, the report only ran for 1 course. This issue is now resolved!

By design, the Course Number filter is multi-select. We built it this way so that you can choose multiple courses if a program-required course is offered jointly with other courses as part of a Joint Course Loop.


A joint course loop is a set of sections or courses that are all offered jointly together. Joint course loops occur in both the curriculum data and in the Time Schedule.


In this way, the report allows advisers to look at “their majors” and see if they have taken a program-required course, even if that course is part of a loop. To be clear though, the report does not do the “loop logic” for the user. Instead, it is up to the user to know which courses are part of a loop and select them from the Course Number filter.

For Example:

In this example, I am an adviser for Marine Biology Majors (0-MARBIO-00-1-5). I want to know which of my students have taken the program-required course BIOL 250.

I first choose a quarter and Marine Biology majors using the filter selections in Green in the image above.

Next, I choose all the courses in the joint loop. I know that BIOL 250 is jointly offered with FISH 250 and OCEAN 250. In this case, the courses are not only offered from 3 different departments (i.e. Biology, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, and School of Oceanography), but those departments are even in different Colleges (i.e. Arts & Sciences and Environment). Again, the report does not have clever logic to search and find all courses in a loop. It is up to you to know where these courses sit in the SDB organization hierarchy.

Finally, I choose Course Taken Indicator Yes, No, and Registered.

The report’s result set shows me that for students that are “my majors” as of Spring 2021, which ones have taken one of the three courses in the loop that meet the Marine Biology program requirements based on the Crs Taken Indicator Column.


We published the first version of this report in May 2020. For more details on the release of this report, please read this news story in IT Connect: RPG New Report Release: Undergraduate Transcript Course Search by Major

This report references important institutional concepts like “Eligible to Register“, “Student Hold” and many others. If you have questions about the meaning of these or any other terms, please explore the links or find more detail in the Knowledge Navigator.

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “BI Portal Report Question: UG Transcript Course Search by Major” in the subject line.