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BI Portal Update: Consolidated Budget Status Reports

March 4, 2021

Update (5/26/2021): This work is complete and now the following reports are no longer available on the BI Portal: Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu and Consolidated Budget Status Report by MyFinancialDesktop Static Budget List.

The Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update to the BI Portal Consolidated Budget Status reports. This update contributes to our goal of preparing for Finance Transformation by simplifying and consolidating reports in our BI Portal report catalog.

There are three Budget Status reports currently accessed from the Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu in the BI Portal. The updates described below apply to these 3 reports and the menu:


Why Should You Care?

You may currently use the Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu report as a point of access for three reports that allow you to see budget status, with breakdowns by:

  • Organization Code
  • MyFD Static Budget List
  • Parent Grant/Budget

Please Note: We are in the process of making updates to the three reports and the menu that will change how you access this information. In short, we’re trying to make it easier and clearer to get the information you need, rather than forcing you through an unnecessary “menu” report.

Change Summary:

You can now access these reports directly from the BI Portal, without having to search for the “report menu”!

In this release we made the following changes:

In the coming weeks we will make the following changes:

  • We will archive the “menu report” Consolidated Budget Status Report Menu (Yay! Fewer clicks to get where you’re going!)
  • We will archive the ‘Report by MyFinancialDesktop Static Budget List’. The BI Team will work with users of this report to help them begin using the Financial Activity Cube to replace this report.

Questions and Feedback:

For definitions of any of the concepts included in this report, please see the Definitions tab in the BI Portal or visit Knowledge Navigator.

If you have any questions or feedback about the changes to this report, please write with “BI Portal Question: Budget Status Reports” in the subject line.

This work is part of our team’s effort to prepare for Finance Transformation by consolidating and simplifying BI Portal reports. We appreciate your patience and partnership!