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BI Portal Update: New Filters on Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary

February 24, 2021

The Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team just released an update that combines two BI Portal Finance reports:

  • Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary by OrgCode and Funding Source
  • Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary by OrgCode and Function

Into one report, now called

Why Should You Care?

If you use the …by Org Code and Funding Source report you’ll notice it now has new filters and a new (shorter) name! If you use the …by OrgCode and Function report, you should now use the updated report (Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary).

Please note:

  • If you exclusively use the …by OrgCode and Function report, in the next two weeks, it will be archived and no longer available on the BI Portal. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the updated Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary report!
  • Update: If you exclusively use the …by OrgCode and Function report, it has been archived and  is no longer available on the BI Portal. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the updated Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary report

Change Summary:

Previously the two reports differed mainly in the way the columns displayed – either by Function or by Funding Source. Now, you can get either view by going to a single report (Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary) and simply selecting your preferred view in the ‘View by’ parameter (it defaults to funding source, since that’s the way most people were viewing it).


There are also filters to choose which funding sources and functions you’d like to include.

This update makes the Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary by OrgCode and Function report obsolete. Since it is no longer necessary now that we’ve included all functionality in the new report, we will archive this report in the next 2-3weeks.

Questions and Feedback:

For definitions of any of the concepts included in this report, please see the Definitions tab in the BI Portal or visit Knowledge Navigator.

If you have any questions or feedback about the changes to this report, please write with “BI Portal Question: Fiscal Year Income and Expense Summary” in the subject line.

This work is part of our team’s effort to prepare for Finance Transformation by consolidating and simplifying BI Portal reports. We appreciate your patience and partnership!