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Financial Activity 2019 Cube Update: New Attributes on Finance Cube

February 12, 2021

Based on input from users, we just published updates to the Financial Activity Biennium 2019 cube (finance cube). We added several new attributes to the cube that make it easier to get the finance data you need to do your work.

In addition to the cube changes, we also want you to know about some other great content we recently published!

  • Data Definitions: Finance cube data definitions are now in Knowledge Navigator
  • Training/Help Videos: We recently published a suite of videos to help you answer several common use cases with the finance cube. Check out our Finance Data Cube Resources page (EDW Access required).

Change Summary:

In this release we added several attributes to existing cube dimensions. These fields were added to support users that want to migrate from using BI Portal finance reports to the cube. If you’re tired of running a report, then exporting the data, filtering, and organizing it in the format you want, consider using the finance cube!

We added the following attributes to the Org-Budget Dimension in the “More Fields” grouping:

  • Budget Status
  • Old Budget Nbr
  • Parent Budget Nbr
  • Current Period Begin Date
  • Current Period End Date
  • Grant Tracking Nbr
  • Grant Contract Nbr
  • Total Period Begin Date
  • Total Period End Date

More Changes Are Coming:

We are currently designing a new Financial Activity Biennium 2019 cube. This new cube design will still provide you the data you need to do your work, but it will consolidate several dimensions, improve some of the dimension and attribute names, and overall make the cube easier to use!

In addition to the finance cube redesign, we are also preparing to release a new Financial Activity cube for Biennium 2021 in the next fiscal year. Please stay tuned for more information about the new cube.

If you would like to get involved with the finance cube redesign and share your feedback with the BI Team through our user review sessions, please write us at with “BI Portal: Finance Cube Redesign” in the subject line.


The finance cube references core institutional concepts like Budget Number, Account Code, and so many others. For definitions to these and other institutional terms, please explore Knowledge Navigator!

As always if you have any questions or feedback, please write with “BI Portal: Financial Activity 2019 cube” in the subject line!